Friday, April 12, 2013

Morpheus Sirius ArchAngel ~ Path of Wayshowers

Morpheus Sirius ArchAngel

Path of Wayshowers ~
The download of this information is for you to learn the awakening to enlightenment. Wayshowers are feeling energy surges that tell them to be centered and hold to the Central Strand as closely as possible. The closer in alignment with the center the more joy and bliss is experienced. Be in alignment now as the intensity of the stream grows more and more powerful. Experience a lift-off of your body as the Root Chakra gains more power from the Heart and Earth and its connection to the Sun and the Galactic center.

Listen as the Teachers of Light speak from the collective soul of your being. It has always been time for awakening to Oneness and in Oneness you feel the river of bliss, joy and the life of heaven. The stream flows unhindered through your being. This is the time, now, and now it is here for you to awaken and feel the stream flow and ride the wave of Light into multi-Dimensional consciousness. Feel in this moment called Now and know that the awakening occurs in this moment. The energy within your frontal cortex has increased as the Third Eye is opening with electricity and cosmic magnetic energy. The breath work of Pranayama is important to hold your center. Balance and breathe with the pulsations of the galaxy as it streams a stronger vibration into your Heart center.

You are one of the Wayshowers and know that the feelings that are coming through your body are aligned with higher purpose and in service of the greater whole. You are one of the Wayshowers and know that you are to give out as much energy as you receive and you may be increased and achieve the higher step in the Ascension.

In this Ascension you leave the various sensations that attract and separate realities to become neutral and alive in blissful joy of enlightenment. At the Solar conjunction of Regulus a new seed is being planted within humanity. This is the seed of the new humanity in the Galactic cycle bringing ethical and tribal unity. The energy that comes forth through the highest point of Leo attunes the Emerald Heart of the Lion and the golden purity of honor. Leo holds and commands the emerald magenta tonal frequency of pure electromagnetic balance and harmony of the Fourth Ray through the harmonic entrainment with the Second Ray influence of the Sun and Jupiter. It is the Fourth Ray of harmony through conflict that is finding balance as the energies of purification come to energize the Leonian point of the fixed cross. In the summer Antares and the Scorpion guide humanity through the mysteries to the Galactic Center. Awakening within the sub-conscious or the southern hemisphere is the reversal of polarity and the increase of the power of will, wisdom and intelligent activity rises in the Third World. Strength and fortitude in the lion’s breath roars from his mouth to make the eagle shake and fly in the knowledge - the king is awakened.

The Eagle’s wing is weakened and the Eagle is molting which leaves his body vulnerable to attack. The Lion protects the white eagle from the serpent and the primates who are poised to kill in cold blood and revenge. The noble lion leads the pride in the power and honor of the Emerald Heart of Regulus. This is why through the recognition of unconditional love and celestial wisdom the Emerald heart of Regulus comes to be heard above the little wills of men who seek their egos bidding. From the point in time upon the shining forth of the Emerald Light that comes with the conjunction of the star of Regulus there is the Heart opening and the Wayshowers are called into action.

The Now is held within the Sacred Heart space and can be nurtured by passion and watchfulness of the king. The Goddess of Andromeda follows the path of the Serpent Holder, the Divine Magician. In metaphor the messages move beyond the rational understanding of the mind that wishes to control the process of enlightenment and always be on guard to decide the choice of being. It is through giving up of the mind’s desire to consciously know and choose the path that the path opens with clarity and joy.

You have walked on this path and have not questioned the journey.There have been times when it was filled in stress, confusion and questions as your mind fought to stay in recognition of the path and sought to look ahead and see where it leads. The Gold Ring leads around in a circle of awakening where there is within it the Oneness of enlightenment. The mind wants to hold the reigns and direct the path and this cannot be for the mind uses the past to direct the future and does not allow the silence of the heart to guide the spirit to the soul.

Here we are in the final stages of Awakening as the heart opens and the bliss and joy rises to bring the feelings of enlightenment. It is not time to let go of the mind but it is time to allow the inspiration of the intuition to choose the path ahead. In each step there is a teacher that guides you to the next point. You are the one that asks and you are the one that listens. You are the Wayshower of your own being and all those that see you as the example of enlightenment. Choose to be that example, awakening and walk forward into the awakening, straight and tall, clear, and present the future as your vision sees it. And so you are the Wayshower and the one who leads into the Golden Age.

1 comment:

  1. yee

    om namah shivaya

    om namah krishna

    om namah master I AM

