Sunday, August 13, 2017

unconstitutional hippocratic self serving system of control and greed.

gonna take the fear driven masses to do this and to realize that most every law is unjust and only there to keep you in the control; system under the illegal non constitution following admiralty law. we are sovereign human beings and no law can stop us from our natural freedoms. most will remain in the false system because they are in fear of these bully cops that hide behind their guns and only harass you in order to make a quota. everything is created to keep us in debt and servitude and to live in fear based on a totally unconstitutional hippocratic self serving system of control and greed. this is one of the things i have given up and that is giving my power away to those that think they own my freedom. i would expect that when nesara is enacted that we will all be free to travel without having to pay fees, fines, and restitutions to these greed mongers. all the money that they steal by taxation from you builds these immaculate courts, pays for 60k cop cars and weapons that you technically own. it's all a catch 22 and the more you pay these fees and fines, the more they take your power away and own you and create your suffering. granted, some laws are needed to ensure safety. but most are just debt for profit creation and job security for thugs and bullies. the more you understand common sense, the more you will understand how you as a human being are being taken advantage of. i cannot wait for someone to argue my points. please do.

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