Friday, September 29, 2017

Enlightening documentaries for awakening masses

i was given this list of helpful and very informative videos. they are designed to open your mind and cause you to start to question everything that you have ever known. i will keep trying to add to this list and if you like this then my other blog posts will steer you deeper down the rabbit hole. it is up to you to open your mind and decide what you want to except as truth. most of what you will learn, will at first anger you, make you sick, and actually cause you to despise much of what you have believed all of tour life. but you are here for the reason that something deep inside you is telling you that something in your life isn't what you thought. this is your journey. my job is only to present the information to you. whether you believe it or not is everything to do with YOU.

 1. End of Suburbia oil depletion and the collapse of the American Dream.
2.The Longest Hatred ..a revealing History of Anti- Semitism.
3.Manufacturing Consent..Noam Chomsky and the media
4.The Yes Men ...Fix the World...sometimes it takes a lie to expose the truth.
5.Our Brand is Crisis...A fascinating glimpse of the Americanized marketing of International politics.
6.Terror Storm...A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism.
7.CountDown to Zero.....Warning
8. Capitalism : A Love Story... Michael More
9.Collapse ... can this man predict when your world will crumble?
10. Heist....who stole the American Dream?
11.Unconstitutional ...The War on Our Civil Liberties
12.The Corporation
13. Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
14. Who killed the Electric Car?
15. Taxi to the Dark Side

16. zeitgeist
17. klymactica

18. Ethos

21.Enron..smartest guys in the room
23.Iraq for Sale...The War of the Profiteers
24. 60 minutes...Global Warming
25. Untold History of the United States Oliver Stone
26.ZerOdays.....WorldWar 3.0
27. Casino Jack ..and the United States of Money


19. MaxedOut...nothing is priceless.
20.Koch Brothers ...Exposed
21.Enron..smartest guys in the room
22.An inconvenient truth

23.Iraq for Sale...The War of the Profiteers
24. 60 minutes...Global Warming
25. Untold History of the United States Oliver Stone
26.ZerOdays.....WorldWar 3.0
27. Casino Jack ..and the United States of Money
28. The Ground Truth ....sometimes the greatest act of courage is to tell the truth.
29. Howard Zinn ....You Can't Be Neutral on a moving train.
30. Orwell rolls in his grave.....a mini political firestorm.
31."Deliver Us From Evil" ...this is a Catholic Priests personal Documentary about how he is looking for all his victims to forgive him for molesting them. He started out in Modesto California and the Church just kept moving him giving access to hundreds of innocent lives

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