Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Capsulating Ayahuasca

Capsulating Ayahuasca

Ingredients: ( all can be bought on E BAY )






Harmala seeds or extract

Chacruna or mimosa leaves ( dried )

Vegan gelatin free capsules

Coffee grinder

Food strainer ( smaller the holes the better )

Making the pills….

Grind your harmal in coffee grinder until it is powder ( the consistency of flour )
Grind your Chacruna or Mimosa ( might want to just do a few leaves at a time , i try to remove stems )  ( once again the finer, the better )

Put chacruna through the strainer. Stir and push until the powder comes out of the other side superfine like dust ( just easier to put in capsules )

Pour harmala powder in a ( i used a  small square tupperware container ) bowl.
Same with chacruna.
Take both ends up capsules and fill them up the best you can. The more full, the  less pills you’ll take.

I used to make 4 harmala and 6 chacruna.

You can raise the number of pills 2 to 1 after you adjust from your experience. The more you take, the more you’ll increase your experience.
The 4 to six  ratio is what I was most comfortable with. It will keep you awake for 6 to 8 hours.
When you take more it increases the length of your experience.
( its up to you to determine the amount you take … I used to play around  ) one night just the minimum, the next id take 6 and 8. It depends on your intuition.
Note * stay away from all animal products at least 24 hours prior to you taking it. Plan on doing nothing for 8 hours while it's in your system. The harmala will give you a brief upset stomach and the whole experience will purge your body of toxins. Be ready to go to the potty to drop the  kids off or puke. This is normal at first but can be avoided if you are healthy and pretty clean of toxins and stuff. This really helped me become vegan because you learn so much that you'd rather do it than eat junk that makes you sick. I micro dosed this for about a month and i can explain how your head gets flooded with info that you already know after it smears away your ego. Also instant answers to almost any question. All in all it is you being your higher self as opposed to being in ego.
Its not addictive but it makes you desire to learn and understand things much more appealing.

Like I said, I can't explain what it does, some see sacred  geometry too , i rarely did, it was more about knowledge.

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