Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Illusion of " LACK "

we have been programmed,manipulated to believe that there is a " lack  " of literally everything that there is to create needs that control our actions, intentions, beliefs, status, compassion, self esteem and virtual how we live our entire lives.
 without certain things at our grasp, we will often do things that we would never do  should there never be this apparent lack, if everything was abundant and available to everyone. not the few or more deserving.
who justifies if you are " more deserving " than the next person ? who is one to say that a child of god/creator/source some how doesn't deserve what is clearly no ones to own or control.
there are, however some that claim that they know better than you and  have the right to say whats right whats wrong who gets what and who doesn't because they are no worthy according to the ones that you claim knows what is best.
how can anyone with common sense even ever think or justify that anything on this planet has to be earned ? how can anyone that claims that they are intelligent and have common sense think that everything on this earth has a price ? how is it that man, who claims to be the most civilized creature on earth is the only species in existence that has to pay for anything. if thats the case, why is it that animals dont have money or  scarcity. the only scarcity that they have is because of man. if not for man. the earth wouldn't be ravaged and ripped  apart by our destruction that keep pushing  animals into a corner where they are without natures basic needs for their survival.
what we do, happens to them. this is the microcosm and is everything in existence and is why everything is connected and needs to be returned to balance which we clearly disrupted because of the control mechanism.

i am going to try to show what i see with an opened  third eye. when this is your perspective, you see everything as a mirror and as connected. every good has a bad. this is 3d duality where everything is bipolar.

so back to " lack "
we will start with things that you can all relate to, but you have to  understand that earth, although it may be a relatively small planet in the universal aspect,  it is a huge planet considering the size of its inhabitants. there are far larger species throughout the cosmos. each depending on the size of the planet and the amount of gravity combined with its magnetic field. so on Saturn, the beings there might be 22 - 30 feet tall  because Saturn is thousands of times larger than earth. another example would be the super earth Maldak that was destroyed. it was the size of Neptune. the people there fled to earth after it was destroyed. those would be the giant skeletons that they have found. their average was 22 feet tall. the earths gravity was much more dense than m
Maldak so they did off only to reincarnate as  humans we know.
so earth is huge to us. everything here is on a continuous cycle. earth is a living being just like us. our body,  like earth, is constantly growing and healing. think of our human cells being everything on and in earth.
oil  is the main thing that they say there is a short supply of and the reason that gas is so much, is because with lack of oil there is demand which leads to price gouging.
for one thing, oil will never ever run out. it is constantly being made at the same rate is being removed.  like  oil, coal is another one that can never run out. it is a fact that the bp oil spill when the drilling  rig exploded ( which was caused by the cabal ) is still leaking 30000 gallons a day. so much so that the ocean floor is decimated and lifeless. just like this, fukishima is leaking  thousands of gallons of nuclear wasted daily. why are these things happening ? the dark agenda is to destroy earth and kill as many of us as possible. plus let the oil leak so we can create the false illusion of scarcity.
diamonds are another lie. diamonds are not nearly worth as much as the tell you. just like every jewel or precious metal. there is as much of these things on and in earth as there are trees.
this planet is 4.3 billion years old, so in that time every civilization has mined and used these things.  do you think after thousands of civilizations that these things just somehow disappeared ? lol
do  you know the story of the annunaki and how they mined gold from here so long and took enough too use to save their atmosphere that 500 times larger than ours ? they used the moon as a weigh station where so much gold fell while they were transporting it that there are places on our moon that are littered with gold probably the size of Europe.
so think of how much that is plus  the amount of gold acquired over centuries if not eons....
if diamonds are so rare then why can you go  into home depot and buy a diamond tipped saw blade or drill bit for 20 bucks  ? now think of how many home depots there are and how many blades and bits they each have. then add on that every other blade and bit manufactured. its astronomical.
then they claim that theres a shortage of food ? do you know how much is wasted on a daily basis because of mass production ? do you know how much is feed to the animals that are raised to be slaughtered ? all you have to do is look around and see stores like Walmart and any grocery chain to understand these simple things. 
then you have millions of people that cant get a car but they mass produce them  to the extent that they have to ship them to lots to rot  as long as the corporation shows overhead. same goes for everything.  everything is made to break at a specific time so  as you the consumer keep buying more and more.
another one is fresh water.  first, they steal fresh water from the great lakes just to put it in plastic bottles where they can  add chemicals. and guess what? the plastic  leeches into that water. plus plastic does not bio degrade so its not only killing you by you ingesting it but its killing nature and destroying ecosystems.
under the surface of many places on earth are underground reservoirs that are the size of small oceans. there are currently glaciers that are all fresh water that can be tapped into.
i can go on forever.... just know that earth is the same as your body and is continuously rebuilding  itself/ the problem is that like your body, the immune system is being destroyed. the only way to fix that is to return it to its natural state. no more garbage for your body, no more for the earth. respect your body, respect the earth. when you are vital and thriving, so will be the earth. 

if its not natural,  its probably killing you.

Americans waste 150,000 tons of food each day – equal to a pound per person

some facts to understand the enormity of mass  production:

there are 2.114 Home Depot locations operating in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and China

TheWal Mart US has 4,364, Sam's Club is 645 and there are 6, 193 Wal Mart International Stores.

Nov 05, 2018 · According to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing from February, Lowe's operates over 2,000 stores in North America.

this goes with the above, by Teri Wade

Fakery in our World
Pretty much everything in our reality is fake. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, fakery, disinformation, misinformation, façades, and an incredible amount of brainwashing. But, when you awaken you can use this awareness as a tool to raise your consciousness meaning it opens everything up.
For most it’s an intense feeling of freedom and liberation and for some it’s very depressing. The idea that virtually everything is fake can be quite empowering. Many of you deep down knew this and this is where the liberation comes from. It’s kind of like everything was validated and you don’t really know exactly what it all means.
Fake News is a major deceptive tool these Archons use to fool us. The fake news media waters down everything in our reality to distract us from what’s really going on. There’s nothing balanced, fair or impartial about MSM. In the United States, Australia and other western nations MSM is owned and run by a group of corporations with an agenda of their own.
The main stream media is fabricating news for propaganda reasons perpetuated by fake journalists with no personal integrity whatsoever. They’re nothing but paid parrots repeating their party’s line that’s all.
When we look back hundreds of years let’s say from our future at the Hollywood and entertainment industry it will be nothing but a dark, sinister agenda that was pushed on the human race. If you’re looking for fakery and superficiality look no further than Hollywood and the entertainment industry. It’ll be a blackeye on our history.
The Hollywood culture and its views are infused with Satanism and we can see that becoming more apparent every day. Prostitution and pedophilia runs rampant in Hollywood and as sickening as it sounds that’s how you make it in Hollywood meaning you sell your soul. The culture surrounding the entertainment industry is about as shallow as it gets.
Corporate advertising is all fake and it’s agenda is to persuade you. This is all virtual mind control by slick corporate advertisers with zero morals. They use marketing as weaponized psychology. Big Pharma is a major pusher of weaponized psychology in its advertisements using happily retired couples, smiling babies etc. all to push their poison.
Fake medicine and it’s smorgasbord of drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, vaccines, mind altering psychotropics, etc. Also, the fact that an unvaccinated child can infect a vaccinated child defies all logic. Vaccines are a tool used in the depopulation agenda said by Bill Gates and many Elites. Vaccines are an example of extreme fakery in today’s fake world.
Fake food in today’s world has become so processed and so much of what we eat is not being grown from the Earth rather it’s being engineered in factories. Remember, true human immunity derives from lifestyle and diet. Much of what people eat is nothing but a synthetic reproduction marketed as nutrition. Some of this genetically modified food is so processed it barely has as much nutrition as a piece of cardboard.
GMO’s are so far from real food and it’s main purpose besides infertility and cancers is to genetically alter your DNA blueprint. Basically, GMO food is engineered to bypass digestion and go directly to the bloodstream. Meaning, you get no nutrition from this food and all the toxic chemicals like glyphosate goes directly to your blood which is exactly its purpose. Not good!
Fake water is another major fakery in our world. Most of the water that we drink is “dead water” diluted with chlorine and fluoride etc. It might be doing just enough to keep us alive but not thrive. Remember, we are water and real water is flowing and alive and carries memory and past information. Water absorbs what you’re thinking and feeling and changes its structure accordingly. Many people are getting sick and diseased by drinking synthetic water. What ever we do to our water, we are doing to ourselves.
Money is a major tool in keeping humanity in control and you all are very aware of this deceptive tactic. Our money holds no intrinsic value so no more needs to be said on this subject.
The fake state of Israel. Israel loves to talk about it’s right to defend itself but when has Israel ever been under attack apart from their own imagination. Perhaps they are worried about a few rocks and sticks thrown by Palestinians at their billion dollar defense system. 🙄
Fake education is not about educating the human mind it’s about indoctrination. They are educating the human race to be obedient workers, not thinkers. The education system’s only purpose is to dumb down the human being enough to eliminate a future threat. Think about it...they are not going to educate a population that could some day take them out.
Fake religion is all about inserting fake dogma, theology and beliefs into one’s mind to control. Basically, what the Church is doing is charging you a fee for a “divine translation” that pushes their agenda. Religion has ultimately been given to us to deceive us. The core of every major religion on this planet is Satanism and this will be a huge red pill that many will not be able to handle.

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