I'm currently staying in a retirement rehab community for the last 5 months. when i got sick, the house i was living at, sold and my things were thrown away, basically leaving me with nothing. my stay here was a request i had after i got out of the hospital from complications from a shunt in my liver. i came here because it helped me recover when i first got sick 18 years ago. needless to say, this place i requested is now run by a corporation and medicaid insurance that is undesirable and unwilling to assist me. they didn't inform me that they only covered the first 30 days of my stay. so now they want to take every dime of my monthly disability check away to pay for their supposed help. i refuse to be robbed by a service that is supposed to be designed to help, not rape people. so as of mid April, they are throwing me out with nothing. my hope is to raise enough money to find a placed to live, get things i need to start rebuilding everything that i lost. i am 48 years old, worked all my life, never once having to rely on an outside source to help me. it is clear that the system is of no help to me and excuse me if i expect them to do more. thats what its for isnt it ? so not only is medicaid no longer willing to cover me, but is also trying to take my disability until i pay for my stay here. ( which is 295.00 a DAY ). to me, thats just wrong. so i need enough money for first and last months rent somewhere, and for the basics to get things i need. im still in need of much more rehabilitation. i have no car, cant drive etc..like i said im 48 years old and i, nor does any human being deserve this treatment. shame on the system. and thank you humanity. those willing to stick up for those suppressed. DONATIONS WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED ! I'M RUNNING OUT OF TIME HERE. PAYPAL = idolgypsy2000@yahoo.com **** trying to raise money for a deposit and to get me in to an apartment or house. i only recieve a certain amount of disability, and i currently can't work, so its hard for me to come up with a lump sum that is required to move.
one option, a studio or 1 bedroom. other options about the same betwwen 550 and 670.00 a month. would require double that to move in.