Sunday, December 17, 2017

Great Vegan Christmas ideas, AVANTGARDE VEGAN

I Came across this gentleman about a week ago while trying my best to come up with new ways to create vegan recipes that would fool  meat eaters or at least tempt people to try vegan or veggie based snacks and their favorite foods. I was literally drooling as i watched Gaz cook seitan or wheat meat recipes that mock one of my old time favs, steak. he also did a version of KFC chicken that brought back many memories. me, i used to love steak and potatoes. or chicken and potatoes, so this was key. as  i watched him create, it started my into a more creative way of trying to mock herbs and spices that are pretty much all that matter in meat eating. so it's kind of making meatless dishes without even thinking about using meat as the base product. i hope you like what i'm talking about. and this will be only my second full year of being vegan on the holidays. the worlds most meat involved time of the year, when im pretty much alone in eating because the old way of traditional holidays are revolving around feasting on flesh. I THINK THESE RECIPES WILL PRESENT OPTIONS FOR YOU THAT ARE WITH ME IN THE STRUGGLE TO GO VEGGIE. IF ANYTHING, IT WILL OPEN YOUR THOUGHTS TO A NEW WAY OF CREATING FOODS THAT YOU CRAVE. AND MIGHT EVEN TURN SOME CARNIVORES INTO FOLKS LIKE US. I HOPE YOU SHARE THIS BECAUSE THIS GUY I BELIEVE IS A KEY PLAYER IN THE NEW AGE OF VEGAN COOKING.. enjoy, and Happy  Holidays !

Hey, I am Gaz a vegan chef from Cardiff, UK. I worked as a professional chef for a number of years before going vegan over 2 years ago. Using my culinary knowledge I will be bringing you the best in exciting vegan recipes every Sunday. My debut cook book is available to pre order on amazon now! You will also find a few of my other interests on my channel too! Such as Fitness, Travel, Music & Vegan Lifestyle Videos! Make sure you subscribe and email me to get in touch Follow my me on Instagram, Facebook & twitter also! INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: WEBSITE: thank you Gaz Oakley #AVANTGARDEVEGAN

I try to tell a different story with each picture. Often this is created by using different backdrops and props…So my bedroom is filled with odd bits of wood and tiles. I had to buy new shelving for all my bowls and plates. But I could still do with more!
Starting my Instagram page has opened up so many doors for me and I’m so happy to be cooking again… I have done pop-up nights at restaurants, food festivals, loads of interviews, worked with amazing companies and been commissioned to consult on menu design for new restaurants. I’m extremely fortunate to be in the position I’m in. I’m really enjoying life now that I’m not stuck in a job where I can’t express my creativity.
I have people following me from all around the world and the kind comments are overwhelming. I’m going to share some of them on my website, because they make me happy!

Monday, December 4, 2017

A World Without Money...

people cant understand the concept of NO MONEY OR NOT WORKING...


This question comes up more than not because so many are programed and used to being slaves to the created system of profit, greed, lack, and obsolescence...

If there's no money in the future, what's the motivation for working? Are people forced/drafted to serve in the Planetary Union?

motivation is doing something you love to do. to help humanity. with everyone doing that, you would end up sharing because humans internally love to spread what they love to others. technology and the disappearance of lack and scarcity, will make WORKING OR EARNING a living unnecessary. everything now is designed to break pr become obsolete in order to maintain profit and greed. a select few cause lack and scarcity by hoarding to themselves while we all know that without the false assumptions of anxiety related competition and created by division, classes that there would be enough of everything on the planet for everyone. for centuries the 1 percent held the wealth and sat on it while the rest of humanity suffered in lack.

let's talk about some of the technologies that we have that have been held back from us by the old rulers to assure their control, that is now defeated.....

radiation pills and technology that can solve any radiation poisoning in a heartbeat. such tech was used to get us through the van allen belts and can also be used to eradicate things like Fukushima.
teleportation, to and from any place on earth in minutes. off planet to other planets in minutes. with this tech you can manipulate space time and travel to and from in time to witness events.
with gravity control, and GPS, you will never crash a vehicle or get lost and will be able to travel without the use of fuel and no noise.
med-beds will make every bodily malfunction irrelevant, be able to grow back limbs and teeth, end all disease and illness. heal your body daily to end aging.
with Light Chambers, you can bring a person back from death in a period of 3 days. this is what happened to Christ and other planetary icons of past resurrections.
a battery the size of a large shoe box will power houses and buildings for hundreds of years at no cost or the need to recharge.
replicators will be able to create anything that one desires. this goes for foods without having to kill and any material thing. this concept can also make it possible to regenerate any unwanted or broken structure or item that is in need of repair making everything virtually able to last forever.
this technology will generate no waste or toxins, produce no pollution, and make it unnecessary to create waste of any kind.
everything that has been for decades polluted by industry will be reset back to purity and gods originally intended perfection. it will be like erasing everything humans have done to harm the earth. 
this is only the tip of the iceberg. i've always said that if you can imagine it, it exists. time for us to start looking outside of the box of material and degradable things, use our imagination, and create a world of perfection instead of something that is created by only repetition.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Pole shift info to the best of my understanding

There is a huge lie that is designed to keep the masses of humanity in fear. It is called or known as planet x, niburu, an asteroid that will strike earth or global warming due to humanity dent in the carbon foot print. i can assure you that these ar all  lies created by those that are running the world from the shadows that feed off of your fear energy called " loosh " which is like a drug to them. you are and have never been anything other than a source of their power due to the fear energy that they create by instilling constant fear and worry, anger and separation to you and your thought patterns.

The reality is that planet x or niburu is a planet in our solar system that is on a different orbital path around our sun that takes 3600 years. so to them, 3600  years equal one year to them. in the past this  planet has been used to create damage throughout or solar system. it has struck other planets, came so close in passing, that it has literally torn the atmosphere from mars and shifted other planets, created pole shifts causing damage and even reversing the spin of some other planets and moons. im sure that it also responsible for creating many moons by striking planetary bodies or dragging them with it in it orbit around our solar system. the fact is that the damage it created in the past, will not be allowed to happen ever again. its passing has been redirected by our space family and is under constant surveillance that is no longer used as a means to has been said that it may or may not change some things that we have become used to.  like as it passes, it might drag debris from its orbit creating temporary rings around the earth,

 like those on saturn, which are not a result of planet x, but created by ets as part of the soul trap that has kept the earth from evolving for way too long. SATURNS RINGS ARE A WHOLE OTHER STORY. BUT FOR THE MOST PART IT CAN BE TOLD THEY ARE USED LIKE A GIANT SATELLITE DISH THAT PROJECTS LOW FREQUENCY AND OTHER MANIPULATION TOOLS THAT ARE USED TO DUMB US DOWN. 
Anyway, the Earth, as it transcends too the 5th dimension, is returning to the planet that it originally was before it was taken over by dark forces. This mean that everything that has been dome to lower its frequency, trapping it in the 3rd dimension, will be removed. Its like when you shake an Etch- a - sketch.
this means that the tilt on its axis will be reversed causing many things to happen globally. it will cause places to return back under water and old underwater land  masses to rise again. originally, the earth was more water planet than it is now. and before the tilt, it was all tropical, except for mountains.
As a result, furthermore, the magnetic north and south will change. north being up as in space and south as in inner earths center. This will cause the ice caps to melt, oceans to rise, continental shorelines to flood, rivers to widen, lakes to connect with  one and other, and continents that once were, to rise again. Examples are that what we know as the great lakes will all join and what we know as the mighty mississippi to become 50 to a hundred miles wide. most of the coasts will be flooded, there will be no more manhattan and much of new york city will be under water. this also goes to florida and california. if you live near the ocean  then you better think about moving inland about 50 miles at least/
these changes will not happen overnight. but there are already preparations that have been made for an earth evacuation if necessary and ghost cities and hollow earth have created places for humanity to go until the process is complete.

Agartha or hollow Earth has already made space available for us to go. the Chinese have built literally whole cities the size of new york city of shore away from harms way. i am sure that other countries and governments around the world who have know that this was earths destiny, prepared dwellings underground for this purpose. granted, these pans were for their survival only. the plan was to wipe out a large percent of the human race and to stat safe underground or in these ghost cities while we perished until they could resurface and continue to manipulate and enslave the survivors. you see, this can not happen. Creator will not allow this to happen again,  like it did during the deluge that was called Noahs flood. that to was a lie.  everything for the last 13600 years has been repitition to control and enslave humanity by extinguishing the masses and hiding the earths  true history from us by creation fiction that is the majority of the bible and all books like it. our  gods given power and evolution was stripped away from us by intention,
Also, since the majority of humanity is not yet aware  or up to date about our galactic family and hollow earth relatives, the are not aware that there are so many ships in earths orbit right now, that the entire earth can be evacuated in minutes.

there are ships as big as  planets in pour solar system that have entire civilizations in them an are fully capable of giving us a place to stay,  while the earth  changes take place. and better than that, we will be able to watch it from  safety wherever we go. and after it is all said and done, be ablle to return with new technologies and the monetary means to rebuild the earth to benefit all of humanity and no longer we will ever have to worry about  LACK and SUFFERING.
if you would like more sources or to learn more, look into Sheldon Nidal or Jared Rand. there are also other sources that you will find as your interest in this grows/ another thing that i ask everyone to research is THE VENUS PROJECT. you can find the on youtube and facebook. they tell pretty much about how the future of earth will be when lack and greed are gone. when society start to join in unity and create the world that we all dream about/
changes are, i will be adding to this blog with time. but i wanted to write ut so that we can all refrain from the fear tactics that the dark forces have infiltrated into our minds for malevolent reasons. time to take our planet back !!!


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

ACTIVATE THE PEOPLE GOAL: share share share !

2. Break into the conversation and push the message and consciousness outside of the bubble of currency holders.



As we have been told, the "process is fluid." This statement has often been used under the old paradigm to explain away delays. We now know that there are plans and contingency plans in place to adjust, adapt, and overcome any obstacle that could hinder the final execution of the process. Just as water is fluid and adjusts to every obstacle as it flows towards a level place where it finds peace, so too are the orders that have been given to the one's executing the mission on the ground. This is being executed by the most elite military force on the planet with the assistance of Galactics and various other meta-physical entities. We will not be a part of assisting the transition on that level, but know that performance is guaranteed.


If a million drops of WATER fell onto a person one drop at a time over the period of an entire day, by the end of the day that person might be wet at worst. If a million drops of water were concentrated into one spot at the same exact moment, they could break the heart of a monster. Today we need to break the heart of that monster known as the erstwhile Cabal.


PHINEAS BLOGG is a fictional time-traveling pirate who voyaged through time and space to assist mankind to make better decisions to avoid potential disasters that could ultimately destroy the world. In this case, we're receiving some pretty strong guidance as well. Internally and externally, we know it's time to take some action and get some attention for the cause of moving the hand on the meter. It's amazing how often the things we thought were fiction turn out to be true in real life.

OBSTACLE: Many of us haven't accepted that we are in fact slaves. The reason why is that we haven't really tasted freedom in this lifetime. We must remind people of what freedom truly is and connect them with that emotional peace, courage, and power. We need people to unite behind our common right and authority to claim our freedom.

The statement below is a powerful message that will connect people to the common desire we all have to be free and spark the memory within them to take it back today. 





  • 8:08 AM EST
  • 12:12 PM EST
  • 5:55 PM EST 
I am willing, ready, and able to unleash my potential, exercise my purpose, and pursue greatness with a relentless focus on expanding my concepts of what is possible. 

Our leaders have taken the privilege of their service and used it as a tool to manipulate and control us. 

They have used personal natures and unchangeable attributes to divide us against each other leaving us weakened, suggestible looking to them for guidance thus surrendering our right to govern ourselves.

We have unwittingly allowed them to stay in positions of power by accepting the toys they provide as technological breakthroughs to distract us as they “entertain” us.

Meanwhile they hold back solutions and cures that would change the way we understand life, history, and our future. 

We are powerful creative beings that will not be oppressed any longer. Humanity must stand together against the forces of evil that wish to enslave, poison, and destroy us. 

Most of us don't even realize that we've been fooled and lied to about everything we trust to be true. We don't know why we can't get to where we want to go, or what it takes to break out of the ruts we've found ourselves in. We know something is wrong, but we don't even really know who we are. 

I’ll tell you who we are. We are the Sovereign People of the Planet Earth and today we stand united as one voice claiming our freedom from the oppression of the “elite” forces that do not see us as equals, to be supported and respected, but as cattle, to be herded, controlled, and used for whatever purpose they see fit. 

Today we claim ownership of our being, our rights as members of the collective body, and our duty to create a world worthy of the powers latent in everyone of us.

We are the fraternal brotherhood of human beings and we stand united as one voice to tell the Universe that WE ARE FREE.


Saturday, November 25, 2017

USA: Is Already Under Martial Law/Military Law

Corporatized POLICE OFFICERS are not part of law enforcement,

The Admiralty Court Exists Because the U.S. is Under Martial law

Corporatized POLICE OFFICERS are not part of law enforcement, legitimate Law department or agency, de jure law or Article III constitutional court of law. Policemen and POLICE OFFICERS are not synonymous. POLICE are not part of any judiciary, judicial system or judicial branch of any State or federal government.
These corporate POLICYMEN are operating strictly as MUNICIPAL, CORPORATE and ADMINISTRATIVE who only use policy, practice, procedure and legal plunder. POLICE OFFICERS appear to be criminals with corporate badges a license to kill, lie and steal almost with impunity.
An actual 'Policeman' with a proper signed Oath of Office and a BOND protects, serves and institutes fair and impartial policing under the de jure laws of this nation. All police activity in America is a nothing more than a colorable, statutory, corporate and juristic administrative proceeding within the admiralty/maritime jurisdiction for purposes of "revenue generation" and to round up paying customers to keep the turnstiles of the commercial, admiralty [COURTS] spinning briskly with paying customers.
POLICE OFFICERS enforce corporate policy, practice and procedure as POLICYMEN. Denial of unalienable Rights, opression, tyranny, piracy, extortion and theft within the Special Maritime Jurisdiction of the United States [18 U.S. Code § 661 - Within special maritime and territorial jurisdiction] are the general modus operandi of so-called policemen in America today.
[Title 18 U.S. Code § 661 - Within special maritime and territorial jurisdiction > Current through Pub. L. 114-38 (See Public Laws for the current Congress].
The POLICE no longer honor, trust, care for, protect, serve or work for the American people anymore. Police brutality is no longer the exception. It has become the Rule in POLICE STATE USA. They seem to exhibit not any vested interest in the American people.
- All Rights Retained - 

- Without prejudice, without recourse -

right to drive, non commercial licensing does not apply. its a scam to contract you to paying illegal fees.


“The right of a citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, by horsedrawn carriage, wagon, or automobile, is not a mere privilege which may be permitted or prohibited at will, but a common right which he has under his right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Under this constitutional guaranty one may, therefore, under normal conditions, travel at his inclination along the public highways or in public places, and while conducting himself in an orderly and decent manner, neither interfering with nor disturbing another’s rights, he will be protected, not only in his person, but in his safe conduct.”

I want to share with you what it is that I do when I travel in my pleasure craft or household good known as my payed in full for method of transportation or car/vehicle. This is what I say when I am stopped by police with no state issued commercial plates and how I always NEVER get arrested and if I get ticketed, how I ALWAYS beat the ticket. Here are some bulleted tips for you to consider to ensure victory or keep you safe:
* If you can help it, DO NOT TAG/REGISTER YOUR PERSONAL PROPERTY. - (Again, if you can help it) Most of you can not avoid this, understandably. Fortunately, I can, because my automobile is fully paid for. The tag on your car says to the cops that the STATE OF (YOUR STATE) owns title of the vehicle (Registering your personal automobile, turns it into a commercial vehicle and gives the Police authority to stop it and tow it if so desired). So if you have no choice, like with a car you are buying, the next few bullet points may help more.

* When pulled over, Put on your Hazard lights - This lets the HIGH/STREET/ROAD TYRANTS know that you acknowledge them. Also, if you are in a dark place (night time) and by yourself or with small children, as long as you are alone where there are no lit areas, with your hazard lights on and travelling in a slow rate of speed, by law, you can keep going until you reach a well lit area and not be considered as a runner (so to speak). Officers already know that they should never pull a car over in a secluded area anyway, unless they have no other choice. Its for their safety also, but still, be prepared.

- LOCK YOUR DOORS and CRACK YOUR WINDOW - Roll down only the side that you are on, even if another officer goes on the other side. Only talk to one. There is NOTHING about a police officer that can be trusted. Regardless of the fact that he/she is wearing a uniform and works as an agent of the government and is a sworn servant, who the hell cares. He is approaching you with a GUN!! Do you know what his real intentions are? They lie all of the time and won't tell the truth. If more than one officer shows up on the scene, ask them why and what are their intentions. More than likely, they will say that it is standard procedure. If you are a woman alone in her car or with children, just ask them, " So its standard procedure to gang up one a woman alone (or with children with her) with all of you armed? Why is that standard procedure? QUESTION EVERYTHING that they say or do. INNOCENT people are dying at their hands, so be safe.

* Put your car in park, but DO NOT turn it off. - Even if they ask, don't do it. Anything could happen with that armed man or woman there. If you are not carrying a gun to shoot to protect yourself (which you can by the way, why would you sit there and take a bullet for nothing), put that car in drive and put the pedal to the metal. You have a right to life just as he does and if speeding off preserves your life, DO IT!!! Get to a well lit public scene and call 911 and explain the situation so they can not lie. Its your right?

* Get a witness on the phone like 911- 911 is a great witness because the police can not alter the audio recordings made by them. If they see 911 on your phone screen during their fictitious investigation, they more than likely will act right. Your excuse for the call will be because you have an armed man/woman in a uniform, outside your car window, you are alone or with your children and you are in fear for your life (an excuse that they use all to often to justify their murders). You have done NOTHING wrong and you want an unbiased person recording the entire incident. If you can say this in front of the officer, he/she will more than likely straighten up and fly right (so to speak).

* PAPERWORK - Have some paperwork handy (Atleast 2 copies, in case you want to give the cop one), that has all of the laws and U.S. Supreme Court case laws written on it to justify your constitutional resistance and that can debut ANYTHING they say, just in case they lies (and they will) and make up laws that says you are in the wrong (cause they will). Seeing the law in writing is far better than him/her quoting some BS law or statute, that does not apply to you anyway. Police can only pull over commercial vehicles because the traffic statutes that they enforce, ONLY apply to CORPORATIONS and GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, not us, the PRIVATE MEN and WOMEN, who freaking OWN the "PUBLIC" highways, roads and streets, that we pay for, every time we buy a gallon of gasoline.

* Get a dash cam - They are cheap and in this day and time, are VERY Necessary, ESPECIALLY if you are black. Say what you want, but because the police operate according to a corrupt system and NOT LAW, they will lie and steal, just to trick you into compliance and even kill you, at times, if you do not comply. RECORD IT ALL FROM THE MOMENT HIS/HER LIGHTS TURN ON.

* Live Stream Apps - Got a good Smart Phone? Great. Put a live streaming app on it. Fortunately, Facebook as such a feature now, so make a whole lot of friends and when the police pull you over, ACTIVATE IT!!! Your dash cam is good, but just in case they act stupid and take your camera, they CAN NOT take you live feed. Once that stops, it is automatically saved on Facebook or in your streaming app's cloud account. GOTCHA SUCKA!!!

* Verbally RESERVE all of your rights, WAIVING NONE... ON AND FOR THE RECORD. - Your camera and/or live streaming app is activated. State ON AND FOR THE RECORD, that you are a living man/woman and not a corporation and that you reserve all of your god given rights, waiving none.You DO NOT wish to contract with him/her, you DO NOT consent to any searches whatsoever. Ask him/her if you have been understood. State this however you want, just stay calm. If the cop is persistent in his questioning, let him/her know that you want a LAWYER present, because you do not understand "LEGALESE". By law, they CAN NOT question you any longer after that and the camera is rolling.

* Ask for his IDs - Yes PLURAL!! His Name, Badge Number and business card. He is ALWAYS suppose to have those available and ready to give you. If he/she does not, simply let him/her know that you do not wish to converse with him/her until they have been identified. Plus, you got it on camera. Repeat out loud what he/she says for camera clarity.

* NEVER and I do mean, NEVER EVER EVER NEVER ANSWER THEIR QUESTIONS. - Instead, when a Cop asks you a question, ask him/her one right back. EVERYONE knows that whatever you say, he will not only use it against you in court, but he is trying to establish jurisdiction over you. Why? Because he rightfully has NONE!!! Answer him/her by asking questions in return.


Cop Asks: May I see you license and registration please? 

You Asks: On and for the record, why do you need to see those? Aren't those required by commercial drivers? Do you have some reason to believe that I am driving commercially?

By Jack McLamb (from Aid & Abet Newsletter)
For many years Professionals within the criminal justice System have acted upon the belief that traveling by motor vehicle upon the roadway was a privilege that was gained by a citizen only after approval by their respective state government in the form of the issuance of a permit or license to that Particular individual. Legislators, police officers and court officials are becoming aware that there are now court decisions that prove the fallacy of the legal opinion that" driving is a privilege and therefore requires government approval, i.e. a license". Some of these cases are:
Case # 1 - "Even the legislature has no power to deny to a citizen the right to travel upon the highway and transport his property in the ordinary course of his business or pleasure, though this right may be regulated in accordance with the public interest and convenience. - Chicago Motor Coach v Chicago 169 NE 22
("Regulated" here means traffic safety enforcement, stop lights, signs, etc. NOT a privilege that requires permission i.e.- licensing, mandatory insurance, vehicle registration, etc.)
Case # 2 - "The right of the citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, either by carriage or by automobile, is not a mere privilege which a city may prohibit or permit at will, but a common right which he has under the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."- Thompson v Smith 154 SE 579.
It could not be stated more conclusively that Citizens of the states have a right to travel, without approval or restriction (license), and that this right is protected under the U.S. Constitution. Here are other court decisions that expound the same facts:
Case # 3 - "The right to travel is a part of the liberty of which the citizen cannot be deprived without due process of law under the 5th Amendment." - Kent v Dulles, 357 U.S.116, 125.
Case # 4 - "Undoubtedly the right of locomotion, the right to remove from one place to another according to inclination, is an attribute of personal Iiberty, and the right, ordinarily, of free transit from or through the territory of any State is a right secured by the l4th Amendment and by other provisions of the Constitution." - Schactman v Dulles, 96 App D.C. 287, 293.
As hard as it is for those of us in Law enforcement to believe, there is no room for speculation in these court decisions. The American citizen does indeed have the inalienable right to use the roadways unrestricted in any manner as long as they are not damaging or violating property or rights of another.
Government, in requiring the people to file for "drivers licenses, vehicle registrations, mandatory insurance, and demanding they stop for vehicle inspections, DUI/DWI roadblocks etc. without question, are "restricting", and therefore violating, the Peoples common law right to travel. 
Is this a new legal interpretation on this subject of the right to travel? Apparently not. The American Citizens and Lawmen Association in conjunction with The U.S. Federal Law Research Center are presently involved in studies in several areas involving questions on constitutional law. One of the many areas under review is the area of "Citizens right to travel." In an interview a spokesmen stated: "Upon researching this subject over many months, substantial case law has presented itself that completely substantiates the position that the "right to travel unrestricted upon the nations highways" is and has always been a fundamental right of every Citizen."
This means that the "beliefs and opinions" our state legislators, the courts, and those of as involved in the law enforcement profession have acted upon for years have been in error. Researchers armed with actual facts state that U.S. case law is overwhelming in determining that - to restrict, in any fashion, the movement of the individual American in the free exercise of their right to travel upon the roadways, (excluding "commerce" which the state Legislatures are correct in regulating), is a serious breach of those freedoms secured by the U.S. Constitution, and most state Constitutions, i.e - it is Unlawful.
The first of such questions may very well be - If the States have been enforcing laws that are unconstitutional on their face, it would seem that there must be some way that a state can legally put restrictions, such as - licensing requirements, mandatory insurance, vehicle registration, vehicle inspections, D.W.I. roadblocks, to name just a few, on a Citizens constitutionally protected right. Is that not so?
For the answer to this question let us Iook, once again, to the U.S. courts for a determination on this very issue.
The case of Hertado v. California, 110 U.S. 516. states very plainly: "The State cannot diminish rights of the people."
"the assertion of federal rights, when plainly and reasonably made, is not to be defeated under the name of local practice."- Davis v. Wechsler, 263 U.S. 22, 24.
Would we not say that these judicial decisions are straight to the point - that there is no lawful method for government to put restrictions or Iimitations on rights belonging to the people?
Other cases are even more straight forward:
"Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them."
Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 491.
"The claim and exercise of a constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime.· - Miller v. U.S., 230 F 2d 486, 489.
"There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of this exercise of Constitutional rights."- Sherar v. Cullen, 481 F. 945. ( There is no question that a citation/ticket issued by a police officer, for no drivers license, no current vehicle registration, no vehicle insurance etc. which carries a fine or jail time, is a penalty or sanction, and is indeed "converting a Right into a crime".)
We could go on, quoting court decision after court decision, however, In addition, the Constitution itself answers our question- "Can a government legally put restrictions on the rights of the American people at anytime, for any reason"? (Such as in this particular case - when the government believes it to be for the safety and welfare of the people).
The answer is found in ARTICLE SIX of the U.S. Constitution:
"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof;..shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary not withstanding". (This tells us that the U.S. Constitution is to be upheld over any state, county, or city Iaws that are in opposition to it.)
In the same Article it goes on to say just who it is within our governments that is bound by this Supreme Law:
"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution;". - ART. 6 U.S. CONST.
We know that Police officers, are a part of the Executive branch. We are "Executive Officers".
Article 6 above, is called the SUPREMACY CLAUSE, and it clearly states that, under every circumstance, the above listed officials in these United States must hold this documents tenets supreme over any other laws, regulations, or orders. Every U.S. Police officer knows that they have sworn a oath to the people of our nation that we will not only protect their lives and property, but, that we will uphold, and protect their freedoms and rights under the Supreme laws of this nation, - the U. S. Constitution.
In this regard then, we must agree that those within government that restrict a Citizens rights, (such as restricting the peoples right to travel,) are acting in violation of his or her oath of office and are actually committing a crime against such Citizens. Here's an interesting question. Is ignorance of these laws an excuse for such acts by officials?
If we are to follow the "letter of the law (as we are sworn to do), this places officials that involve themselves in such unlawful acts in a unfavorable legal situation. For it is a felony and federal crime to violate, or deprive citizens of their Constitutionally protected rights. 
Our system of law dictates the fact that there are only two ways to legally remove a right belonging to the people. These are - #1 - by lawfully amending the constitution, or #2 - by a person knowingly waiving a particular right.
Some of the confusion in our present system has arisen because many millions of people have waived their right to travel "unrestricted" upon the roadways of the states and opted into the jurisdiction of the state for various reasons. Those who have knowingly given up these rights are now legally regulated by state law, the proper courts, and "sworn, constitutionally empowered officers-of-the-law," and must acquire proper permits, registrations, insurance, etc.
There are basically two groups of people in this category:
#1 - Any citizen that involves themselves in "commerce," (business for private gain), upon the highways of the state.
Here is what the courts have said about this:
"...For while a citizen has the right to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, that right does not extend to the use of the highways, either in whole or in part, as a place for private gain. For the latter purpose no person has a vested right to use the highways of the state, but is a privilege or license which the legislature may grant or withhold at its discretion..." - State v Johnson, 243 P. 1073, 1078.
Other U.S. court cases that confirm and point out the difference between the "right" of the citizen to travel and a government "privilege" are - Barney v Board of Railroad Commissioners; State v City of Spokane, 186 P. 864.; Ex Parte Dickey (Dickey v Davis), 85 S.E. 781.; Teche Lines v Danforth, 12 So.2d 784.
There are numerous other court decisions that spell out the JURISDICTION issue In these two distinctly different activities. However, because of space restrictions we will leave it up to officers to research it further for themselves. (See last page for additional references).
#2 - The second group of citizens that are legally under the jurisdiction of the state is the individual citizen who has voluntarily and knowingly waived their right to travel "unregulated and unrestricted" by requesting placement under such jurisdiction through the acquisition of a state - drivers license, vehicle registration, mandatory insurance, etc. (In other words "by contract only".)
We should remember what makes this "legal," and not a violation of the individuals common law right to travel "unrestricted" is that they knowingly volunteer, freely, by contract, to waive their right. If they were forced, coerced or unknowingly placed under the states powers, the courts have said it is a clear violation of their rights.
This in itself raises a very interesting question. What percentage of the people in each state have filed, and received, licenses, registrations, insurance etc. after erroneously being advised by their government that it was mandatory?
Many of our courts, attorneys and police officials are just becoming informed about this important issue and the difference between "Privileges vs. Rights". We can assume that the majority of those Americans carrying state licenses, vehicle registrations etc., have no knowledge of the rights they waived in obeying laws such as these that the U.S. Constitution clearly states are unlawful, i.e. "laws of no effect". In other words - "LAWS THAT ARE NOT LAWS AT ALL."
An area of serious consideration for every police officer, is to understand that the most important law in our land he has taken an oath to protect, defend, AND ENFORCE, is not state laws, nor city or county ordinances, but, that law that supersede all other laws in our nation, - the U.S. Constitution. If laws in a particular police officer's state, or local community are in conflict with the SUPREME LAW of our nation, there Is no question that the officer's duty is to "uphold the U.S. Constitution."
What does this mean to the "patrol officer" who will be the only sworn "Executive Officer" on the scene, when knowledgeable Citizens raise serious objections over possession of insurance, drivers licenses and other restrictions? It definitely means these officers will be faced with a hard decision. (Most certainly if that decision effects state, city or county revenues, such as the issuing of citations do.)
Example: If a state legislator, judge or a superior tells a police officer to proceed and enforce a contradictory, (illegal), state law rather than the Supreme Law of this country, what is that "sworn officer" to do? Although we may not want to hear it, there is but one right answer, - "the officer is duty bound to uphold his oath of office" and obey the highest laws of the nation. THIS IS OUR SWORN DUTY AND IT'S THE LAW!
Such a strong honest stand taken by a police officer, upholding his or her oath of office, takes moral strength of character. It will, without question, "SEPARATE THE MEN FROM THE BOYS." Such honest and straight forward decisions on behalf of a government official have often caused pressure to be applied to force such officers to set aside, or compromise their morals or convictions.
As a solace for those brave souls in uniform that will stand up for law and justice, even when it's unpopular, or uncomfortable to do so...let me say this. In any legal stand-off over a sworn official "violating" or "upholding" their oath of office, those that would side with the "violation" should inevitable lose.
Our Founding Fathers assured us, on many occasions, the following: Defending our freedoms in the face of people that would for "expedients sake," or behind the guise, "for the safety and welfare of the masses," ignore peoples rights, would forever demand sacrifice and vigilance from those that desired to remain free. That sounds a little like - "Freedom is not free!"
Every police officer should keep the following court ruling, that was covered earlier, in mind before issuing citations in regard to "mandatory licensing, registration and insurance" - verses - "the right of the people to travel unencumbered":

And as we have seen, "traveling freely," going about ones daily activities, is the exercise of a most basic right.

Cop says: In the STATE OF (YOUR STATE), you can not drive a vehicle without a license. 
You Say: On and for the record, how am I driving in the STATE OF (YOUR STATE)? Isn't driving a commercial action (prove it with your paperwork). And are you not referring to a corporation when you say in the STATE OF (YOUR STATE)? How is it possible to do that, public servant? (Calling him/her a public servant shows him/her that you acknowledge their sworn oath.)
Stay calm through it all and try to crack a slight smile.
* If he/she tries to arrest you or threatens arrest, ask him/her: 
Do you have a valid warrant, bearing MY God given name, signed by a competent judge, with a signed and notarized affidavit? What is your probable cause? Have I breached the peace? Do you have a valid written complaint? Have I committed a felony in your presence? Am I guilty of a real crime and if so, please point to the victim? Unless he can answer any of these questions with a yes, HE CAN NOT and most likely WILL NOT arrest you. With these questions, he/she know that you are going to be pure HELL in court and he/she wants no part of it. Not in open court, he/she doesn't.
* Ask, if you are under arrest (several times) until you are released:
You ask: On and for the record, am I under arrest public servant?
Cop says: No, I am detaining you pending my investigation.
You ask: On and for the record, have I committed a crime involving a victim?
Cop says: Complete and under BS comes out of his/her mouth at this point (and its all on camera).
You asks: Well since I have not committed a crime where a victim is involved, then you have no reason to detain me, so I am free to go, correct?
Cop says: No, I am detaining you pending my investigation?
You ask: But I have committed no crime involving a victim, correct? You can not hold me without probable cause, correct? So I must be free to go, correct, public servant?
Continue this for as long as it takes. He/She can not arrest you for asking questions and will soon realize that you know your stuff. Police has for good reason, assumed that most of America, especially blacks, are ignorant to the difference between the law and statutes and sadly, its been true for generations. But people are now learning and awakening. Be prepared. The above info works ONLY on some police officers. Cops are pressured to make ticket and arrest quotas. They can become greatly aggressive. Also, believe it or not, the police departments of America have trained and hired people who suffer from PTSD and these are some of the ones who loose their minds out there and shoot innocent people. Its not always some racist asshole cop. That is why I urge you to RESIST, but stay cool and calm while doing it.
Side Note: One day, I hope that all private Americans, will be able to call a small brotherhood of fed up Americans against Police Tyranny, on our Public Highways, Streets and Roads, when cops are behaving badly. You see, it is not the public servants job to keep the people from committing error, but moreso the people's job to keep the public servants from committing error. You wanna truly make America great, then that is truly how its done. Reverse the fear!!! When the people fear the Government, there is Tyranny, but when the Government fears the people, there is LIBERTY!
Peace and Love, America!