Monday, June 15, 2015



“Every human thought, word, or deed is based on fear or love. Fear is the energy which contracts, closes down, draws in, hides, hoards, harms. Love is the energy which expands, opens up, sends out, reveals, shares, heals. You have free choice about which of these to select.”
Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God

To understand the things i am going to try to explain to you, wont be easy. most people are an aware of whats coming, not to mention, the system of beliefs and lifestyles we have been enduring. when i say induring, i mean that what is considered success in a relationship, is hard to achieve in the part of existence we are in.
For me to go further, i have to try to explain Duality,Bi-polar, yin and yang. this, your life, is about your soul and its striving to achieve balance, which in return, brings peace and love. nothing else.

1. the state or quality of being two or in two parts; dichotomy
2. (General Physics) physics the principle that a wave-particle duality exists in microphysics in which wave theory and corpuscular theory are complementary. The propagation of electromagnetic radiation is analysed using wave theory but its interaction with matter is described in terms of photons. The condition of particles such as electrons, neutrons, and atoms is described in terms of de Broglie waves

 the earth, for the last 13000 years, has been this lower state of frequency that witholds us from our true potential as human beings. we are all living in a lower vibration in dimentions, you call that 3d.

in 3d we are here to learn. this entire time has been for your souls evolution. in all practicality, what you are doing in your life now is all about you balancing your self.
you, because you are in 3d, have to battle against ego and the way it is controlling you. if you have a stuggle in a relationship or anything in your life, it is caused by that ego control. in order for you to understand that, i will post a definition of ego....


1. the “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought.

Psychoanalysis. the part of the psychic apparatus that experiences and reacts to the outside world and thus mediates between the primitive drives of the id and the demands of the social and physical environment.

so, your ego is telling your heart, things cant just be easy. it controls you by making you look for the bad in everything. it gives you jealousy, anger, lust, rage, fear, insecurity and lower self esteem. it takes a diamond and makes it seem that there has to be a flaw. a non controlling ego, only makes you see the highlights and details. it reassures you after you have made an evaluation with you heart not your mind. 
 its hard to see what im trying to say unless you think about the bigger picture. if you think about your souls goal.
You are all multidimensional beings, and 3d is only a small  part of your reality. in other lives, future you, might already be married. in my case, it is a fact that i am. in this life i have had relationships, but never marriage or kids. but i dont let that bother me because i can understand that 3d is just a shred of my real life.
i believe that every soul has a soul mate. i also believe that that soulmate and you or i, travel from life to life and planet to planet, playing tag.
so as far as here in 3d, i am just supposed to have fun. if you follow the law of one or oneness, you will totally understand this.
yin and yang are one as your soul is. we all come from one as a collection of fragmented souls. creating indiviality. we come togeth with another part of our soul as a soul mate. then you are balanced. the line in the middle of yin and yang is that balance, usually as offspring. the thing that connects you.
 So,in duality, it is you against your ego. weather that be your own or the one that you love.
when i think of this life, i see every girl that i was ever with as a version of my soul mate. so in thinking that, each girl had her purpose in educating me for my souls growth. there is nothing that can make me mad when it comes to me being single. i choose not to ruin my balance inside with what i know.
So, if you are with a person that is making you unhappy, find out why, but remember, check your ego at the door. take your fears and jealousy out of the picture. take the money and material things away from what you and your mate deal with, which is nothing but the love you originally had with that person. under everything that makes us human and thinking that we may lose something, there is nothing but love.
In closing, i want to tell you a little bit about the very near future...
everything we know is going to change. the dark energy that has been controlling this planet is on the way out. with that, the frequency of the planet is getting higher. that means that there wont be room for the things in life that make us live in fear and doubt. the earth is going from 3d into 4 and 5d. all of the laws that we know will change, society we change for the better, the stress of money, which cause the main malfunction in everything, especially relationships, and there will not be jealousy or hatred anywhere. 
so if you are having difficulties with another person, chances are that person is a reflection of your ego. face it and get unattached from its control. if that means be alone do it. if  you can make peace with it, do it. look beyond the ego and see the love in everything. 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

“The Event” The Event And Basic Practical Steps To Prepare For The Event

The Event And Basic Practical Steps To Prepare For The Event

“The Event”:

Earth and the inhabitants have been in 25,000 years of imprisonment and quarantine (black hole). We have been controlled and manipulated by the dark side – or as we call them, The Cabal, Archons and Chimera . We are now to exit the black hole after 25,000 years of prison. Our planet is the last one in the galaxy to be liberated. This exit is the EVENT HORIZON, or THE EVENT. THE EVENT will be a moment of breakthrough for the planet which will be physical and non physical.

On the non physical plane there will be a big wave or flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet. (The galactic central sun is an object in the Sagittarius constellation.) It will be a flash or special kind of light from the Sun that permeates the earth and humanity.

It will calm humanity in the light of love energy and end duality. It’s a magnificent energy not seen or felt before on earth. Everyone on earth will feel and know something has happened. It will be a surprise as to when it will happen, even for us. It’s never happened before. It will not be a major shock event, it will be a positive event.

On the physical plane there will be:

The arrest of the Cabal (already started).
The re-set of the Financial Systems.

Disclosure – the release of ET information.

The beginning of a new, fair financial system with prosperity funds for all humanity.

NEW Government/Political system, Education system, Health care system, etc.

Awakening of humanity slowly and gradually to the existence of positive non-terrestrial races and our galactic connections.

Introduction of new advanced technologies.

The release of spiritual growth and healing for every human being on the planet.

There is much, much more to look forward to.

What Can You Do “Before the EVENT”

Save and print important documents to share at the time of the Event. Click here to find them.

Join the others in your area and create a group together. We are creating Event Support Groups (ESG) which is the masculine aspect, and Sisterhood of the Rose groups which is the feminine aspect. Many people will most likely be part of both groups. Click here to find the list of groups worldwide and to create your own if needed.

Plan food and basic necessities for a few days. Choose what you feel like of course, however here are a few tips: alfalfa and other kinds of sprouts grow in 3 days, lentils and beans are cheap, full of nutrition and keep well. You can grow your own vegetables at home especially with vertical farms. We will also probably need to convert some land into local community gardens, so you can do some research about which places would be suitable for this before and after the Event. There are already several groups doing this. This will most likely be an important part the post-event transition because we will need to transform our food production, since up to now most of it has been managed by the cabal and poisoned.

You can also consider getting a water bottle with filter included, gas for your car, energy for cooking and heating if your circumstances might require it, as well as anything else you might need in case supplies don’t function properly for a short while.

Get some silver and/or gold to provide basic needs in first few days or weeks after the Event. If you have little means, just one silver coin will greatly help in the first few days after the event and doesn’t cost much. If you have greater means, consider helping those around you.

Learn how certain meditations and ceremonies can help calm down the energy in your area. Numerous studies have shown the power of meditation on our surroundings, especially when done in groups. There will be lots of energy flying around in the first days and weeks after the event, lots of traumas, emotions and thoughts surfacing. Group meditations done on important points of your local part of the Earth energy grid, can be combined with crystals, sacred geometry and other tools and will greatly help to avoid conflicts and to harmonize the energies in your area.

Find out the main energetic sites around yo

u, go there and visualize/channel a pillar of briliant white light from the central sun, through the area, down to core of the Earth. Visualize violet flame. Call for the assistance of beings of Light (Angels, Faeries, Dolphins and Whales, Star family, etc). Do any meditation that you are guided to.

Click here to learn more about this process and how to know where the energy centers are

Get informed on the world around you, on what has been happening and what is coming.

Most important Cobra articles :

About the Event :

More ressources :

Get to know your neighbors, and who could potentially help. Before the Event, some people might not be receptive or ready to hear about the Event, and to help make it happen, but after the Event it will be a completely different story. We suggest you get to know your neighborhood, city or village, the different groups and personalities, you can get involved or just be an observer. We will need to work together to create a smooth transition. There are already many groups doing good things who can potentially play an important role : yoga and meditation centers, local and organic garden movements, etc. Community solidarity initiatives will likely be needed and will have massive snowball impacts, our whole food and energy productions, educational systems, financial systems, etc, will all have to be restructured to make them become healthy again. Community solidarity and organization will also help people to relax, especially those who might have fears about the transition. The goal is for everybody to be taken care of, physically, mentally and emotionally. Invite different networks to work together despite their apparent differences, they might not have been willing to do that yet, but after the Event many of them will. The more we start before the Event as much as we can, the easier the transition will be after the Event.

Take responsibility and create initiatives. When the event happens, there is most likely not gonna be spaceships dropping bags of food, so that we can all instantly go and hang out in a resort in the Bahamas. It will be a gradual process. Prosperity funds will still have to be translated into food, housing, etc, and somebody will have to do it. We’ll have to be healed enough in order to be truly admitted into galactic society. To be liberated means to be a sovereign being. We are all the creator and therefore we need to be able to create ourselves. The obstacles will be removed by our star family, and we will receive a lot of help, yet we still have to be actors or we would not be truly free.

Community leaders (food and energy supplies leaders for example) might freak out about their business, workers of these companies might refuse to work when they realize they have been slaves all these years, etc. The military has plans in case of emergency to help society be provided with basic needs, and the positive military will probably put this in place. The Resistance Movement knows who the lightworkers are, and they are likely to contact those who are ready to help organize things in our community, to open doors for example to council community centers to organize healing and support meetings, etc. The priority will not be to overload others with intricate stories about galactic wars, but to focus on making sure everybody is taken care of during the transition, so it will be important not to get stuck on belief system differences. It’s important that this liberation happens from the population also, and not only from military and off world groups.

Work on yourself to have greater balance and stability. Life in quarantine Earth has been difficult and we have all been having issues. Work on your deep triggers and traumas, do shadow work to integrate and harmonize all aspects of your psyche into the Light of your true self, be fully honest with yourself and others, question all belief systems deeply (all of them have been programmed), learn to say no to all toxic patterns, to let go when something is finished, you can question actions but never people because we are all divine sparks, differenciate between saying no to truly hurtful behavior and judging based on belief system, forgive, etc

Energetic protection and harmonization. There are many tools out there. Find crystals which resonate with you. Use sacred geometry, in your house, on your body, etc. Listen to sacred healing sound frequencies. You can find some of the most powerful energy tools available on the planet at this time here :

Tachyons : These are sub-atomic particles containing the full spectrum of spiritual Light. The veil around this Earth blocks them. Cobra has been contacted physically by Pleiadians who explained him how to make them available on Earth. They are excellent help in protection, connection with your higher self, and harmonization of all aspects of self (physically, emotionally, mentally, etc). You can learn more and get them here :

Tektites : These are special kinds of stones which are the product of meteorite impacts on Earth. Different types come from different star systems, some of them come from Pleiades, some from Sirius, etc. They are very powerful to transmute duality into Oneness, to help connect us to star systems and star family and to protect, transmute and harmonize. No duality can enter them, they act from their own presence, therefore they can not be programmed and do not need to be cleaned.

Violet Ray : This device is based on a Tesla coil and can effectively clear negative plasma out of your aura, helps remove entities and other kinds of negative energies. You can get it here :

Sacred Sounds : Sound is vibration, and therefore a very effective energy tool. Anyone can use it, but there has been a lot of disinformation and harmful frequencies spread around, so use discernment. You can learn more about it, and how to easily use sacred frequencies here :

Detach from the world of the matrix and cultivate your gifts outside of it. The whole working/job structure as we know it is gonna be totally transformed. Many aspects of it belong to slavery and will collapse. But we will still need to convert money into housing, food, and all good things. We all have gifts to share with others, we all have a unique purpose and we all have one piece of the puzzle. You can start now to progressively unplug from the matrix system and develop your true gifts in alternative ways. Internet can allow you to share and generate energy exchanges easily. You can start by switching from full-time job to part-time job, developping and sharing your gifts in your free time, start generating income and progressively you will unplug completely. A lot of fear has been implanted in humans about this, but truly there are many opportunities out there, and the more people unplug the more opportunities there will be. The earlier you start the easier your transition will be.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The New Scriptures and Autobiography Written by Sananda/Jesus

the new scripture of Jesus/Sananda

I will be with you, working closely with the Company of Heaven to assist you in your transition.  I wish to encourage and support you, and with the help of our "boots on the ground" - our worldwide network of incarnated Lightworkers - to give you concrete help to raise yourselves up and out of the thick and heavy darkness you have endured for centuries.  Join with us now, for you are a Lightworker too.  You will find fellow seekers and guides along your path who will recognize the truth of my words and the Love in your hearts.  Together, we will manifest our Dream.

I came here to teach unconditional Love, the Love of our Creator.  I came to use my understanding of God's Love and Light to help people heal and to alleviate the suffering caused by oppression of all kinds.  I do the same now, with an audience that has access to a far more sophisticated understanding of science, politics and economics than those I was addressing in the Middle East more than 2000 years ago.  We also now have access to the internet as a way of sending out the message across the globe.

In service to humankind, I am Sananda/Jesus

Sunday, June 7, 2015

9 Signs You’re An Old Soul



1#   You tend to be a solitary loner.

Because old souls are disinterested in the pursuits and interests of the people in their age groups, they find it dissatisfying to make friends with people they find it hard to relate to.  This is one of the major problems Old Souls experience.  The result is ... old souls tend to find themselves alone a lot of the time.  People just don't cut it for them.

2#   You love knowledge, wisdom and truth.

Yep ... this seems a little grandiose and overly noble, but the old soul finds himself naturally gravitating towards the intellectual side of life.  Old souls inherently understand that knowledge is power, wisdom is happiness and truth is freedom, so why not seek after those things?  These pursuits are more meaningful to them than reading up on the latest gossip about Snooki's latest boyfriend, or the latest football scores.

3#   You're spiritually inclined.

More emotional old souls tend to have sensitive and spiritual natures.  Overcoming the confines of the ego, seeking enlightenment - as modeled by the Awakened Souls - and fostering love and peace are the main pursuits of these young-in-body Mother Teresa's.  To them it seems the wisest, most fulfilling use of time.

4#   You understand the transience of life. 

Old souls are frequently plagued with reminders of not only their own mortality, but that of everything and everyone around them.  This makes the old soul wary and at times withdrawn, but wisely dictates the way they live their lives.

5#   You're thoughtful and introspective.

Old souls tend to think a lot ... about everything.  Their ability to reflect and learn from their actions and those of others is their greatest teacher in life.  One reason why old souls feel so old at heart is because they have learnt so many lessons through their own thought processes, and possess so much insight into life situations from their ability to quietly and carefully observe what if going on around them.

6#   You see the bigger picture. 

Rarely do old souls get lost in the superficial details of getting useless degrees, job promotions, boob jobs and bigger TV's.  Old souls have the tendency to look at life from a birds eye view, seeing what is the most wise and meaningful way to approach life.  When confronted with issues, old souls tend to see them as temporary and passing pains that merely serve to increase the amount of joy felt in the future.  Consequently, old souls tend to have placid, stable natures as a result of their approach to life.

7#   You aren't materialistic.

Wealth, status, fame, and the latest version of iPhone ... they just bore old souls.  The old soul doesn't see the purpose of pursuing things that can be easily taken away from them.  Additionally, old souls have little time and interest for the short-lived things in life, as they bring little meaning or long lasting fulfillment for them.

8#   You were a strange, socially maladaptive kid.

This is not always the case, but many old souls exhibit odd signs of maturity at young ages.  Often, these children are labelled as being "precocious", "introverted", or "rebellious", failing to fit into the mainstream behaviors.  Usually, these children are extremely inquisitive and intelligent, seeing the purposelessness of many things their teachers, parents and peers say and do, and either passively or aggressively resisting them.  If you can talk to your child like he/she's an adult - you've probably got an old soul on your hands.

9#   You just "feel" old.

Before putting a name to what I felt, I experienced certain sensations of simply being an "old person" inside.  The feelings that accompany being an old soul are usually: a feeling of world wariness, mental tiredness, watchful patience, and detached calmness. Unfortunately, this can often be perceived as being aloof and cold, which is only one of many Old Soul Myths.
Just as some old people describe themselves as being "young at heart", so too can young people be "old at heart".

Saturday, June 6, 2015


sometimes in order for me to keep on trying to wake up humanity, i have to review a lot of things, get anry again and retaliate. please read my other blogs and continue to assist in the changing of this reality. it has to be a united effort. it has to be without restraint or hesitation. there is no more time for stalling and succumbing to material, control, or  division.

pass this on. do your part.

A similar process of growth takes place in the astral plane, where the persona and the ego do not affect the energetic transaction. Then the message is very clear and beings are able to exist in this light and transform. Cosmic light will also travel to other beings connected to you; your transformation does not only affect your growth but also the growth of others. Our Source's creation is a limitless, living organism that is in constant transformation and growth, allowing the light to circulate and multiply. If the light is not able to reach certain planes, life stops to exist. If you are a light carrier and you exist in a low vibrational reality and you have a very important task. You are giving life to a lifeless body and you are creating new growth. Do not hesitate to carry the light and share it without questioning or fear. The cosmic light is your connection with the Source and its messengers the Gods.