Thursday, November 19, 2015

things will change.... a lot.

"In the coming announcements to hUmaNITY, much will be revealed that has been hidden from the mass public for 13,000 years, realities that are made to seem impossible are actually truth, and will be nothing less than shocking to a majority of hUmaNITY; Such as the true origins of mankind, the disclosure of our extraterrestrial family from the stars, the truth of what has been taking place for the last 13,000 years, the release of advanced technology that will improve the quality of life for humans and reverse what has been done to our precious Gaia, providing free electricity for all, clean water, cleaning up the atmosphere and oceans, also a complete reset of our world's economy, government, and the way society operates as a whole, creating abundance and freedom for every living being on Earth. No more wars, homelessness, poverty, hunger, suffering of any kind.
Many brave souls have volunteered to incarnate into human form (known as starseeds) for many lifetimes to assist in raising the vibration of Earth, acting as "lightbulbs" to illuminate the darkness, each of us being strategically placed around the world to use our divine abilities of healing, to heal ourselves and those around us. WE have succeeded our heavenly mission, WE are evolving at such a fast rate and creating wonderful change in the world, and within ourselves.
This is a time of celebration, hUmaNITY is to experience a level of abundance and freedom that has not taken place in many thousands of years.
The Galactic Forces are making sure the dark ones are held in check, so as to ensure that they are unable to interfere with the plan that will ensure your ascension. It only takes a few of them to cause mayhem, but now that the armed forces are taking a more positive role to ensure peace, their activities will be curtailed. The dark ones have penetrated all levels of hUmaNITY, but they are now being recognised for what they are. Once brought into the open they cannot proceed as before when they hid behind others who carried out their orders. They will eventually be arrested and answer for their crimes against hUmaNITY. It may sound odd but we ask you to send them Light so as to help them rise up again, but no one should wish to see another soul flounder as you are all ONE." ★
~ Steve Wayda
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"The purpose of our journey on this precious Earth is now to align our personalities with our souls. It is to create harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life. It is to grow spiritually.This is our new evolutionary pathway." ★
~ Gary Zukav
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“The coming of a spiritual age must be preceded by appearance of an increasing number of individuals who are no longer satisfied with the normal intellectual, vital, and psychical existence of man, but perceive that a greater evolution is the real goal of hUmaNITY and attempt to effect it in themselves, to lead others to it, and to make it the recognized goal of the race. In proportion as they succeed and the degree to which they carry this evolution, the yet unrealized potentiality which they represent will become the actual possibility of the future.” ★
~ Aurobindo
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LOVE, ONE Inner Light & a New Greater World to EveryONE ★

There is about to be a mass awakening. what will happen can not be explained to the masses, for they are too enveloped in society and the rat race that is their suffering.
Events will begin to take place to introduce to the masses, the amount of deception that has taken place in their existence in the 3d dualstic realm. They will begin to understand that we have all been lied to about our governments, their reason for existing, and the promotion of fear in order to keep the masses under control and docile. they will begin to understand that mind control and artificial intelligence is the reason for this. the network created to keep you in the lower frequencies, and to deny you your right to live a free and sovereign life. to turn you into debt slaves and into worker ants that only provide for the cabal or queen entity that is darkness. to use your fear as fuel  for their existence.There are many things that must change if we are to create a new world of prosperity and the benifits f all humanity. to overcome our differences and come together, unite as one, and maintain peace throughout the world.
The first thing is that we need to quit thinking in a linear point of view. to stop thinking that we need to  maintain our live in servitude for others without the benefit of all. we need to break away from the chains of materialism and the use of the same broken aspects of our daily lives. 
Humanity needs to stop thinking that we need to work at things only for self gain and the benefit of the corporations. we need to stop feeding the beast. we need to start thinking of the consequences of all of our actions. stop doing things because they make our lives easier, and to begin to understand that everything that you do is contributing to the collective. for instance, stop using plastics and rubber. stop eating animal products, stop wearing clothing created from animals, stop buying things that make your life easier like microwaves and chemical detergents. stop using gas and oil powered devices. stop spreading poison in you yards to prevent bugs pests or weed. 
All of these thins are resulting in the poisoning of the planet.
you can not be expected to just stop douing everything that you are accustomed to. but, you can start, one day at a time trying to picture the result of what you use daily to survive. it is not about weather you agree or not, there has to come a time when you wise up abnd rethink what you do and how it effects the collective.

When the changes start to happen the government as you know it will be gone. it will be up to us to do what is necessary to obtain, and create abundance for all.
the borders will come down.
the laws will drastically change.
debt will be gone.
working at something you hate just to pay your debts will fade.
the school systems will change from what is now indoctrination to a more free an open on the job nature enveloped system.
your work days will be shattered from 8 hour days to 3 hour days.
money will eventually become obsolete because all debt will be forgiven and each human will ecieve enough monet to make it so that everyone is equal. no need for competition or judging. no need for " i am better than you " all classes will become one upper class

these changes will benefit us in everyway that you can think. we will all be free to do and go wherever we want, using our individual skills to create a new world of peace and abundance.
soon our space family will make themselves known. and with that, the will teach us  new forms of healing, and give us advaned technologies that will assist us in this tansformation.

i stress that you pu these thoughts in your consciousness, because the quicker we desire this, the quicker it will happen. 


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