Thursday, November 30, 2017

Pole shift info to the best of my understanding

There is a huge lie that is designed to keep the masses of humanity in fear. It is called or known as planet x, niburu, an asteroid that will strike earth or global warming due to humanity dent in the carbon foot print. i can assure you that these ar all  lies created by those that are running the world from the shadows that feed off of your fear energy called " loosh " which is like a drug to them. you are and have never been anything other than a source of their power due to the fear energy that they create by instilling constant fear and worry, anger and separation to you and your thought patterns.

The reality is that planet x or niburu is a planet in our solar system that is on a different orbital path around our sun that takes 3600 years. so to them, 3600  years equal one year to them. in the past this  planet has been used to create damage throughout or solar system. it has struck other planets, came so close in passing, that it has literally torn the atmosphere from mars and shifted other planets, created pole shifts causing damage and even reversing the spin of some other planets and moons. im sure that it also responsible for creating many moons by striking planetary bodies or dragging them with it in it orbit around our solar system. the fact is that the damage it created in the past, will not be allowed to happen ever again. its passing has been redirected by our space family and is under constant surveillance that is no longer used as a means to has been said that it may or may not change some things that we have become used to.  like as it passes, it might drag debris from its orbit creating temporary rings around the earth,

 like those on saturn, which are not a result of planet x, but created by ets as part of the soul trap that has kept the earth from evolving for way too long. SATURNS RINGS ARE A WHOLE OTHER STORY. BUT FOR THE MOST PART IT CAN BE TOLD THEY ARE USED LIKE A GIANT SATELLITE DISH THAT PROJECTS LOW FREQUENCY AND OTHER MANIPULATION TOOLS THAT ARE USED TO DUMB US DOWN. 
Anyway, the Earth, as it transcends too the 5th dimension, is returning to the planet that it originally was before it was taken over by dark forces. This mean that everything that has been dome to lower its frequency, trapping it in the 3rd dimension, will be removed. Its like when you shake an Etch- a - sketch.
this means that the tilt on its axis will be reversed causing many things to happen globally. it will cause places to return back under water and old underwater land  masses to rise again. originally, the earth was more water planet than it is now. and before the tilt, it was all tropical, except for mountains.
As a result, furthermore, the magnetic north and south will change. north being up as in space and south as in inner earths center. This will cause the ice caps to melt, oceans to rise, continental shorelines to flood, rivers to widen, lakes to connect with  one and other, and continents that once were, to rise again. Examples are that what we know as the great lakes will all join and what we know as the mighty mississippi to become 50 to a hundred miles wide. most of the coasts will be flooded, there will be no more manhattan and much of new york city will be under water. this also goes to florida and california. if you live near the ocean  then you better think about moving inland about 50 miles at least/
these changes will not happen overnight. but there are already preparations that have been made for an earth evacuation if necessary and ghost cities and hollow earth have created places for humanity to go until the process is complete.

Agartha or hollow Earth has already made space available for us to go. the Chinese have built literally whole cities the size of new york city of shore away from harms way. i am sure that other countries and governments around the world who have know that this was earths destiny, prepared dwellings underground for this purpose. granted, these pans were for their survival only. the plan was to wipe out a large percent of the human race and to stat safe underground or in these ghost cities while we perished until they could resurface and continue to manipulate and enslave the survivors. you see, this can not happen. Creator will not allow this to happen again,  like it did during the deluge that was called Noahs flood. that to was a lie.  everything for the last 13600 years has been repitition to control and enslave humanity by extinguishing the masses and hiding the earths  true history from us by creation fiction that is the majority of the bible and all books like it. our  gods given power and evolution was stripped away from us by intention,
Also, since the majority of humanity is not yet aware  or up to date about our galactic family and hollow earth relatives, the are not aware that there are so many ships in earths orbit right now, that the entire earth can be evacuated in minutes.

there are ships as big as  planets in pour solar system that have entire civilizations in them an are fully capable of giving us a place to stay,  while the earth  changes take place. and better than that, we will be able to watch it from  safety wherever we go. and after it is all said and done, be ablle to return with new technologies and the monetary means to rebuild the earth to benefit all of humanity and no longer we will ever have to worry about  LACK and SUFFERING.
if you would like more sources or to learn more, look into Sheldon Nidal or Jared Rand. there are also other sources that you will find as your interest in this grows/ another thing that i ask everyone to research is THE VENUS PROJECT. you can find the on youtube and facebook. they tell pretty much about how the future of earth will be when lack and greed are gone. when society start to join in unity and create the world that we all dream about/
changes are, i will be adding to this blog with time. but i wanted to write ut so that we can all refrain from the fear tactics that the dark forces have infiltrated into our minds for malevolent reasons. time to take our planet back !!!



  1. I agree with many of your point. But these tyrannical fear demons? thats a little outlandish.
    Also perhaps next time it would also be a bit more appropriate to use proper grammar.

  2. I look forward to analysing your sources...
