Saturday, August 12, 2017

why we eat and what is wrong,

a question is recently asked,,,, are we going to be able to eat meat in the 5th dimension ?
let me explain something..... why do you ask this question if you are going to do nothing but argue my response ?? why would you ask any question in search of information to feed your curiosity if you don't even try to accept the answer or even consider the output of the answer to lead you to research more truth to support your question.
this is the ego and what your programmed mind does to satisfy your doubts and keep you in a false comfort zone keeping you in the repetition of mind control.
the answer is this weather you like it or not, believe it or don't, want to accept it and learn or try too understand, or waste the time of those that are only trying to help you.
your evolving, your dna no longer will accept meat or animal products.
your body cannot function in higher vibrational frequencies or dimensions having the lower vibrational carbon based food sources that our old dna could handle.
your arguments will be made by programmed excuses by the lower vibrations.
you will say, jesus ate fish. i say prove it and even if he did, fish are here on earth as part of a sacrificial being to provide for us during our evolutionary process.
human beings are and never were Carnivores. we were never designed to eat meat. it was a ,lower vibrational program that was induced by the reptilian or in essence our reptilian brains during our fall from grace.
just like us, jesus might have at one time been in the same trap that we are in now. an example is that for 40 years of this life i ate meat and dairy, but as my consciousness grew and my vibration raised my body became intolerant of the karma and low energy that is produced by eating meat and animal product.
but in order for me to get to that point, i had to first learn in my 40 years then spend the last 6 unlearning.
i doubt back in the day of jesus that he attended bbqs like we do or did. the times have changed from then until now in every aspect . from the programming to the addictions that we have to basical unhealthy foods. there was a time when meat and dairy was a necessity to survive back when we had to hunt and used every part of the animal that we killed with graciousness and respect. now we have no need to hunt, do not even give an ounce of respect for animals that are murdered by the billions so that you v\can over eat be gluttons and become unhealthy, get sick and addicted to lies feeding ways to keep ignoring what you are really putting in your body.
we no longer need to eat these things for survival. we just do because we are told to and are used to it.
we are evolving out of this concept and it has been delayed way ;past its time which is holding our evolution back.
if we didn't have seasoning or so many ways of preparing meat, and we had to kill and clean what we kill and had to eat it raw like the way animals that are intended to be carnivores... 98 percent of the masses wouldn't do it. the other percentage are those that get off on hunting, by murdering things they think are somehow put on earth just for the reason of being looked down on and destroyed for foolish pleasure,. there will always be that ;percent who will remain unevolved and barbaric and will remain in the lower 3d frequency until they're ready.
i choose to evolve.'

The difference between meat and vegetarian food lies in the amount of solar rays they contain. Fruit and vegetables are so impregnated with solar light that they can be said to be a condensation of light. When we eat a piece of fruit or a vegetable we therefore absorb sunlight, which leaves no waste in us, whereas meat is rather poor in sunlight, which is why it putrefies quickly; moreover, everything that putrefies quickly is harmful to health.

In addition, you must realize that everything we eat is like an antenna within us which picks up certain specific wave-lengths. This is how meat tunes us in to the astral world, in the lower regions of the astral world.The astral world is swarming with beings all devouring and preying on each other like wild beasts. By eating meat, therefore, we are in daily contact with the fear, cruelty and sensuality of animals. Those who eat meat maintain this invisible link with the animal world in their body.

They would be horrified if they could see the colour of their auras. Finally, anyone who takes the life of an animal is assuming a very heavy responsibility; it is a violation of the commandment, ‘You shall not kill.

But the harmfulness of meat has yet another origin. When animals are being led to the slaughterhouse they sense where they are going and what is going to happen to them, and they are mortally afraid, terrified. Their terror disrupts the proper functioning of certain glands which then start to secrete toxic substances, and there is no way of eliminating these toxins from the flesh of the animal. Humans ingest them in their meat, it enters into their organism, and, naturally, it is not conducive either to good health or to long life.

You will say, ‘Oh, but meat can be so delicious!’ Perhaps so, but you never think it has to be paid for by the death of countless animals and the ruin of your own health. In addition, you must realise that everything we eat is like an antenna within us which picks up certain specific wave-lengths. Meat tunes us in to the astral world, in the lower regions of which teem countless beings, all devouring and preying on each other like wild beasts.

Those who eat meat maintain an invisible link with the animal world. They would be horrified if they could see the colour of their auras. Finally, anyone who takes the life of an animal is assuming a very heavy responsibility. When human beings kill animals for food they are not only depriving them of life, they are also depriving them of the possibilities for evolution which nature had given them in this life.

As far as fish are concerned the question is quite different. For millions of years, fish have lived in conditions unfavourable to their evolution. This becomes obvious when one studies the structure of their organism: their nervous system is still extremely rudimentary. It is permissible, therefore, to eat fish, for this allows them to evolve. Also, they contain an element which is specially adapted to this era, and that is iodine.’

Just as animals have to eat to survive, human beings must eat too, but they should not content themselves with eating like an animal, in other words without consciousness. Why? Because food is not a dead substance, it has a voice, it speaks to us, it passes on its secrets to us. To receive these secrets we must learn to eat in silence and to concentrate on each mouthful of food we are eating. Food is condensed sunlight and also condensed sounds because light is not separate from sound. To people who are attentive, who have practised hearing it, light speaks, it sings, it is music, it is the divine Word. In today’s noisy world we cannot hear anything, and that is a great shame. To understand the language of food, we must begin by restoring silence, not only around us, but also within us.

Since human beings are creatures too, they are linked with all that, like them, has been created in the universe. In other words, each and every one of us has invisible, etheric links with stones, plants, animals and all visible and invisible creatures. You will ask how and why this is, but it is not a question of how or why. It is simply a fact that every particle of dust, every cell, every electron in the universe is linked with the entire universe by its vibrations. We may not be aware of it and it may not seem like it, but nothing or no-one is a separate entity; there is no such thing as separateness, disjuncture is an illusion. The whole of our being is permanently linked with the entire cosmos.

Since the food we eat every day is given to us by the Creator, it is imbued with his life. So how is it that this food, which is divine, does not make the wicked better people? It is because we each transform the food into something of our own nature. A saint, an initiate, will eat the same food but transform it into light, love and goodness. So it all depends on the state of the person who eats it. Wicked people will remain wicked and even become worse, and good people will continue to improve. This is a law: all creatures absorb food into their own substance and transform it, and this law applies to the spiritual as well as the physical plane. This is why the one desire of mystics and initiates is to offer themselves in sacrifice to the Lord to be absorbed by him. They know that in absorbing them the Lord will flood them with his light and transform them.

Even nutritionists fail to place sufficient emphasis on the importance of chewing our food. The mouth is like a little kitchen, and before sending food on to the stomach, we have to prepare it a little in this kitchen. We have to see that it is cooked and seasoned with a bit of oil, with saliva in other words, and there are certain glands in charge of this work. So it is advisable to chew your food until it becomes almost liquid. If you swallow it without chewing it sufficiently, the stomach which receives and transforms it has to provide additional energy. Eating should invigorate us. So then why do some people feel tired after a meal? Because they eat incorrectly. When you swallow food without first chewing it well, it is difficult to digest, and because your body has a good deal of trouble assimilating it, fatigue inevitably follows.

A meal is a magic ceremony, thanks to which the food entering your body is transformed not only into health and strength but also into love and light. So you must pay attention to your inner state when you sit down to eat. Haven’t you noticed that when you eat in a state of anger or rebellion it takes you hours to regain your peace. Why? Because through your thoughts and feelings you had a negative influence on the food, which then sustains your negative feelings. Everything in life is sacred; everything has a meaning. Nature’s intelligence prepared food in order to sustain life in us. If you introduce toxic vibrations into the food which has been prepared by the intelligences of nature to maintain your life force, you will pay for this negligence and lack of respect in one way or another. Your inner state present while eating is recorded somewhere in your body, and this state determines your physical and spiritual health.

Yogis have acquired great power over their physical bodies. Some of them are able to twist their joints, roll their bellies in every direction, make their veins and arteries stand out, lie on planks spiked with nails, and so on. But is it really useful to waste so many years obtaining such results? They have achieved great mastery over their physical bodies, but have they made equal efforts in the spiritual realm? Do they know how to control their thoughts and feelings? Have they practised facing the trials of life with the same endurance? Of course, even in the spiritual life, certain work on the physical body is important; but it is sufficient to be vegetarian, to do some simple gymnastic exercises, and to lead a pure and balanced life. If you are to succeed in mastering your psychic life, it is the study of spiritual laws and their application that counts above all, and to which you must consecrate your time.


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