Tuesday, March 20, 2018

make ayahuasca in capsule form.

also commonly called yagé, is an entheogenic brew made out of Banisteriopsis caapi vine, often in combination with various other plants. It can be mixed with the leaves of Chacruna or Chagropanga, dimethyltryptamine (DMT)-containing plant species

these are links to get the stuff needed to make ayahuasca in capsule form. if you search  for harmala and chacruna, there are other options that you can buy. do research to determine what's best for you. i usually get the harmala in the regular form and the chacruna in the dried leaves form, then i use a coffee grinder to make powder of them. also, there are other forms of ingredients that you can get to arrive at the same effect that brewing ayahuasca gets you like mimosa or caapi instead of chacruna and harmale. below is a link to a site called Erowid that is ideal for doing research to get to what you need, it also explains warnings,  trips and options to mix certain things to achieve spiritual state of  mind. i have used lsa which is  morning glory seeds and wild woodrose. its a different feeling but it helps to free your mind to where it needs to be, in order to see things in a whole new way.
i prefer meditation and using these things in a respectful way. i never think of it as recreational in any way. also avoid eating or ingesting  animal products for 12 hours at least before going on any trip.otherwise you'll have bad trips and a lot of stomach issues. with any of these things, it is going to purge your system, so be near a bathroom or garbage can. once your body is in tune to what you are doing, after  time it will be much easier to enjoy without any discomfort.  another thing is that you can NOT drive or go out and don't plan on sleeping anything off. it wont allow sleep depending on your dose. i recommend a person be with you either in concert or in house somewhere in case you have a hard time. none of these will harm you as far as health wise, but some do freak out and have bad trips  until they clear the ego sde or dark night of the soul or soul death. this is all p;art of awakening to the spirit that's in you.

erowid - dmt





.erowid.- spiritual vault

erowid-ayahuasca vault

.erowid- psychoactive vault

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