Friday, August 3, 2018

WHY 3D has To End !

commonality in a pop culture driven society may be a disease....
a person is born free, but as soon as that happens that baby is intensely brainwashed and programed by a system that is a lie but believed to be true by decades of recycling forms of handed down false teachings and constructed lies.
a parent listens to a doctor, rather than use common sense freethinking.
the baby is vaccinated to start a lifetime of over stress to its bodies natural immune system. making it addicted to man made destructive chemicals, disease and abnormalities when the natural rebuilding of the bodies cellular structure is stopped or drastically slowed down. untouched by man made outside sources,the human body regenerates every second and fully rebuilds itself in 7 months.
then the child goes home, where a parent teaching its young what their parents learned falsely by their parents that learned lies from yet their parents..
feeding the child meat, dairy and other foods that also oversees the bodies immune system and overloads the natural processes of cycling food. not to mention heating food in a nuclear reactor ( microwave ) that depletes all nutrients period. again derailing the bodies intake of the natural resources needs to thrive. the child gets sick and the parents take it to doctors that are not educated except for recycled lies passed on by indoctrination,
the child becomes further addicted to the fictitious healing methods and addictive medications prescribed by a total stranger for profit.
the child goes home not knowing that it is even being tortured by dogma.and controlled indoctrination.
then the child goes into the educational system that is designed to undermine free thought, artistic aptitude and the creative concept that is natural in life
it is programmed to obey by fear and control, to repeat what is taught as a device for fictitious success in life. taught to do what they are told or else. told to be ambitious as long as it generates a source of intended accomplishment, not for the person but for the system that awaits them..
then after public indoctrination the child is directly thrown into the concept of debt. is told to go to a college that is impossible to afford without creating a debt to that child or their parents for decades. to construct a plan of keeping you in debt so that you work forever to pay the debts you will never pay off.
from then on its simple for me to explain and will leave most scratching their balding, aging heads......
buy a house that you'll never be in so you can drive a car that you cant afford to a job far away, just so you can EARN A LIVING ( earn your life i'll repeat EARN YOUR LIFE ) to pay for things that are free and get sick and age from consuming man made toxins in everything that your FAKE MONEY buys
then you can retire at the age of 80 just in time for your body to deteriorate further but giving you enough time to raise money to put your dead corpse in the ground..

but this is society, stuck in a cycle of deterioration. forever thinking that this is the way its supposed to be and that nothing will ever change.
if this isn't the definition of hell.... i don't know what is but I assure you that this cycle is over and all will be revealed.


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