Saturday, October 5, 2019

Scripting Money Manifestation

i am grateful for being alive at this time on earth  as part of the universal shift that will liberate humanity from the duality that has inflicted their evolutionary process.
i am grateful for being one of the chosen ones or  144000 light masters that are here as part of  creators divine plan. the universal experiment of earth.
i am grateful for being one of the ones that are here to be the wayshowers, teachers and mentors to the entire human population as they awake to full consciousness.
i am grateful that in order to transcend the program of the 3rd dimensional matrix and control mechanism that has breached and damaged the free will of every living soul on earth.
with the knowledge that i am eternally abundant and perfect in this broad spectrum of amnesia that disrupts my own existence in this human form.
i am grateful in knowing that we are all creators and that my intent and imagination in the physical form has the power to change and create the future as we know it.
i am grateful for not having the full eternal database of knowledge available to me always except in this 3d illusion. if i had access fully, i would not be able to create anything new or unexpressed.

with absolute abundance and every possible resource available to me,  i can and will accomplish anything and great things to assist in humanities expansion into the galactic community.

today, i was in my 30 million dollar retreat and  sanctuary, thinking about what i would do to start my journey towards starting the rebuilding of this planet in order to get out of the pointless and crude structure that it was but will no longer be.
i guess my first step is to find a person in my life that knows me best and has the ability to think in my place and to think for themselves when my own thoughts need some fine tuning. it would have to be a person that would have the ability to travel and speak well to large groups of people. as well as know how to do whats best for me in decision making and handling  money.
i would supply this person with a home, a car, and anything they need as well as a yearly salary that does not include free travel and entertainment. i'm thinking that if i supply the house and car, that a 6 figure  salary should be plenty, though would never be a limit. the more we achieve, the more the " perks " i'm thinking of Pepper or Happy in the Iron man saga lol

not only did i buy this sanctuary that i bought because it comes with ideal property to save wildlife and grow foods. i would start  hydro and aqua-ponics as well as plant gardens that are state of the art and mostly self sufficient. i would use the property to let all forms of endangered or rescued animals to roam  free. it would be like a zoo without the cages. plus im on  the ocean so i could even have waterlife  if possible. i would love to have seals and dolphins  and  maybe some stingrays. the sky is the limit.
not to mention my boat or if you must, yacht that is environmentally adequate and basically runs on solar and geo - thermal / wind .. it would be more like a traveling office, where i could take it to other countries in which my projects will effect. the boat would have many means of entertainment and also have hydro-ponics on it for food and nature.
i  would  get a helicopter that i could land on my property and boat if need be.
i would also get studio or small houses or condos all over so when i travel i can just stay there as opposed to  pay for lodging etc..

i would use my abundance not lonly to help others but to maybe even start a foundation in which people with great projects could get finances. not like a bank or a loan center  more like give me your idea and ill fund it.
being able to get up and go at any second and having the proper resources will make everything flow nicely and make starting and overseeing my projects so easy and care free.

even though im not a fan any longer of combustion engines and other resource raping pollution generating things. i will collect cars and such because i like to tinker and reminisce

Brian Adams sang " EVERYTHING I DO, I DO IT FOR YOU " will be my motto. because helping humanity is what i was destined to do..


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