Monday, September 28, 2015

the boy that cried wolf

let me tell you a little story about a  guy who had a decent life. a life that was by no means, as successful or easy as he would have liked. but it was a normal life compared to a lot of people who may have had it rougher or better.
 this guy was a humble painter. he was the kind of guy that would always undercharge the costumer because he feared getting denied any work. he also based his business on caring more about pleasing the customer than making the next dollar.
 granted that because of this, he would never be able to afford the finer things in life. he only made enough money to barely pay rent and bills. he never owned a brand new car or house. he never really had money enough to raise a family or have a girlfriend the way it should have been. without worries. he early in his career, became an alcoholic because of this. the booze made him happy go lucky and not care too much about the things that he was missing in life. after years upon years of drinking himself to oblivion, his liver finally failed. he spent 3 weeks in a coma and 2 months in a retirement facility recovering from a full organ shut dow. 15 years later he remained sober but with being sober came the loss of a great life f partying and friendships. he lost everything that he learned gerowing up, all because he had a disease called alcoholism. 
  this guy would never go back to drinking as a form of release or detourant from anxiety. he, instead, would find other ways. he started smoking marijuana, huffing or whip its, magic mush rooms, and soon something would lead him to herbs and ayahausca. upon using these natural drugs. he would make so called spiritual connections in which he would soon realize that this is all part of a spiritual awakening. he saw thing that he saw in his coma, he started to see the bigger picture of his life and what his life's mission was. soon, he would begin to see everything being connected in the universe and his mission was to help to change the world, to change the pattern in which humanity thought and repeatedly fell deeper into the abyss of control and  manipulation of the dark natures of this paradigm.
things began to be shown to him through signs and connections. videos that he needed to educate him about hidden truth and knowledge about the cycles of control on this planet. he was given names, dates, places, coincidences, and facts about conspiracies.
eventually, he figured out, or so he thought he did, that he was an ascended master. an old soul that has returned to earth to bring in the new age.
he soon began to obiediently follow messages from the extraterriestrial leages and federations of space. he started to follow the law of one and forget about everything he had learned in this life, for he was told that is all a  lie.
he started to do as  they suggested and begin to editate frequently. he was told to raise his vibration in order to activate his full dna. so this stuff, he did,
he stopped paying bills,  gave all of his material things away. stopped working because with othe raising of his vibration, he thought, could no longer function as a normal person. to work with no balance or motor skills became utterly impossible. his penmanship went away, his artistic skills and speech became almost un-understandable. his way of being had become nothing compared to what it once was. he was basically forced to stay out of the system that everyone else was trapped in. but he thught that this was all part of gods plan. he thought that since no one else on this planet would make the sacrifices, that his job was to do it for them, allowing them to all go on living the way they do because it is the only way that they know how.
4 years have passed and there is no sign of change. he has not began, as his supposed guides have told him, began to improve. the only thing that is working is that the aging process has stopped and eating has become a thing of the past. he was told early on that we are light  beings and able to live off of life force provided by the earth and the energy of it and the universe.
his health is that of purity as far as body organs and brain function. he has not regained any of his balance and motor skills back. to him everyday has become a day of nothing. he is incapable of performing any physical tasks, talking to perhaps teach what he thought he knew. or doing the things necessary to live a nomal life.
there is no difference between what he does everyday for the last 4 years,  than what a slug does. he just exists. no chances of ever earning money or a girl or a family or a house or any kind of physical life. this guy feels like he is a paraplegic, nothing else.
for four years this guy has been follwing dates, prophecies and predictions. based on this, he has passed this knowledge to many people in hopes of waking them up to the reality that he thinks exists. he spent his every pathetic day on trying to help others whle not caring about the well being of himself. he never once contemplated trying to fix what was wrong with him physically. now he sits and cries realizing that the sacrifices that he has made have been for nothing. he still, after all that he has learned and tried to follow, nothing as changed at all.
 the time has come where this guy has had enough. he has wasted years of his life for nothing. all of his good intentions have turned out to be false truths, misconceptions and flat out lies. and for all of these years, now he feels responsible for raising false hopes and trying to change what can never be changed. he feels tormented by guilt that he might be responsible for a false ambition that any other may have gotten from the lies and mistruths he has spread.

 so, this guy has decided to call it quits. to give up the false hope. to avoid anything that for years that i have come to believe. he will no longer present anyone with his dreams or ideas that will obviously ever amount to anything more than dreams. he will stop using facebook as a platform to try and change anything. he will do what he can to get back into the control  system that has taken over humanity. he will try his best to find aw way to get his balance and motor skills back. he will run away from all that he knows here and start new someplace else.
he is sad to say that evil has won. nothing will change because not enough people believe that it ever will. he though we as humans had the power, but we dont. humanity has  become a cold Remanence of what it used to be. forgot what love was, and likes living in misery and pain too much.

people will say,

get disabilty. he already has it, never enough.
raise your vibration. he has beyond what most have. 
go out have fun. tell that to a guy in a wheelchair with no teeth and cant talk.
be possative. he tries but it is impossible when everything around you is negative.

you can not convince this guy that he is or has done anything wrong until you walk in his shoes. i have done everything that a Buddhist monk would do. i have given up every important aspect of my life for this, yet receive nothing in return. im not selfish, but i deserve at least signs or proof of something changing. 

before i end this story, here are some things that were to happen according to my so called guides, that never  did....
wave x ...b.s
blood moon. b.s..
finincial reset. b.s
the end of the cabal. b.s
the end of gmos. b.s
the end of governments and mass arrests. b.s
mass landings and disclosure. b.s
raise in frequency, shifting earth and dimension. b.s
and the biggest line of bull is ASCENSION. never gonna happen.

so to all of you, i am sorry for being nothing but a fraud. for being the person that i have been warned against,  for warning you against.
i apologize for loosing my mind, and pretending that normal was being abnormal.
i am sorry, ever so sorry, for making spiritual promises based on my beliefs, trying to give you hope.
i am sorry for ever believing that anything that i have passed on was correct or true.
i am sorry to the people in which i have become close to throughout this phoney ordeal.

i urge you to just maintain your lives the way that they are. try your best to be better then the last generation.dont fall for the stupidity that i have shown you is possible to fall for. believe in yourselves, not what anyone or anything tells you.

now i just need to find a place to go, where i can survive on 800 a month. preferably not shit hole ohio. i cant do the cold any longer. 

so long.

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