Tuesday, September 8, 2015

trying to help

you  have to understand. the more you think evil, the more you worry, the more you think criminal  thoughts, the more you assume the worst of everything, is ridiculous. i have told you that what you think is what creates the atmosphere that you live in. i drive alone, when i was alone for the last 22 years of my life, i never ever got in trouble. every time that the cop pigs busted me was because of who i was with and what they were thinking. because i am honest and i dont do anything wrong, i am a fall guy for other peoples negative thinking.

you are no different than the news. all negative and worry creating. you need to try and only look at the positive in every situation before it happens. instead, you worry and fears make you act and say only negative ways.  if  i got to drive... think... good, hes finally going out and doing things that he loves. instead your first thought is that because i dont have a license that im doomed. you have to not worry about consequences of a person based on the negative aspect  of what you think is right. what right is that cops are assholes period. they only care about money and that is all. some act with respect, but thats all a facade. we are allowed to drive period. it is up to us to be the responsible  ones not them. they know nothing about you except what they need to make you suffer so they can  keep up their payroll.

your rules do not apply to mine.. at all. you are trapped in a very dark place. where fear is taken over you. you are obsessed with worry and doubt. you are out of control in paranoia. its ugly.
my rules are the rules of the new earth and you have no clue what they are because you dont listen to anything that i say. you and most think and assume that i have lost my mind, and i dream of impossibilities. well,  i have lost my mind, this is necessary to see thing as they really are. i see and know all corruption on this planet and refuse to be like the majority to live in a world where you live only to pay for more suffering. then they get sick and die. guess what mom, that is  not my destiny nor is it my wish. the world  will change, but the way you act, i wont be able to be with you guys, my frequency and vibration will take me beyond this hell reality.

it hurts me when im am forced to raise my voice or yell at you. you just dont listen. thats unfortunate.
shape up, do as i wish, and that will stop. it has  come to the point where i can no stand being in yours or dads company, because you are callus to what i try and teach you, you dont try to listen, you do everything i ask you not to do. i am a spiritual person and  im all about peace, but that is not sustainable because two negatives kind rule out the positive.

your driving me around is appreciated. i love that you do that for me, but even that is hard for me because i know  how you used to drive. you taught me. but now you are by far scarier to drive with then a drunk or even Debbie. so it bothers me a whole lot that i dont have a license because of a pipe. absurd. so, when i yell, it mostly because of that, not the way you drive.

you go to the doctors 4 times a week, and i only see you getting worse. never any improvements. doesnt that tell you something.
doctors are allllllllllll money grubbing rich arrogant, uncaring assholes that keep you on drugs that are nothing but chemicals and viruses. the treat you to become healthier in one thing while making you ill with something else.

i have told you over and over again that this is bad. why would you take anyone's opinion about your own body ? why do you put poison in your body instead of using natural remedies. you have to remember that before this world was consumed with greed and vanity, laziness and audacity, the doctors would heal you with thing of the earth. then along came the controlling government and started the idea of raising money off of the suffering of humanity. the started making things that would  make you sick, so they can offer you another solution. and so on. until now where the are doing mandatory virus inoculations to people that are  created from virus and plagues that have killed millions. they inject you and tell you that its to prevent sickness when in fact it cause add,lupus, Alzheimer, cancer, autism, paralysis, seizures, dimensia etc....

im done wasting my time again. i know that this wont affect  your opinion as long as you believe in what you think you know about reality. you probably have not even read the letter i sent you 5 days ago, the one that said must read. this always shows me that you could care less about even trying to think outside of the box. it shows me that you will always believe that we are supposed to live like this. it shows me that you almost look forward to getting older and in worse shape. it shows me that you are selfish in the sense that there are other options and other things to believe. i have to say that im really disappointed in myself for not being able to show you the light. 

so its not you mom. you are the one that i love the most. i cherish everything that you do for me. i enjoy talking to you so much when its not bringing up the negatives. i thank you for always being there for me. i thank you for all that you have taught me up until my awakening. i just want you and dad to see things the way that i do, because what i see and dream, is heaven.

at the end of this month, i really cant explain what will happen, because it has never happened before. the ascension process is me merging into the higher dimension, the earth will follow in time. i will leave and then come back regenerated and  help with the transition. i will be in a place where there is no time. so it will be like i never left. because you are my human birth parents, im not sure whats going to happen to you. i have been told that you guys will be faded from my memory, or you will just flat out never r remember my existence. that sounds terrible right now because you dont know or believe what is going to happen. but as the earth ascends, i told you that your youth will be restored to 21 again. your health will be restored 100 percent. the time lines that have been manipulated by time wars and our wonderful Nazi government, will be restored. so you might have what happens in back to the future. remember how everything was changed when Marty Mcfly returned from the past..... his folks were all rich etc...
that movie is more real than you believe. in fact every movie, song or TV show  has clues to what the future will bring.

heres is what i would like to see happen....
stop getting up in the morning and the first thing that you do is read the paper and the news. all lies and fear
go  outside and sit on the deck, watch the birds and nature.
stop wasting your time going to these doctors. they will never fix you.
start watching things that i ask you to watch, i wouldn't ask if i didnt think it was important.
stop being a neat freak. this house is spotless, their is no wasting time more than trying to impress or satisfy others.
stop complaining to wait staffs at restaurants. stop complaining about bad drivers. first of all, you are not that good of driver. second, people are just ignorant and distracted. when you blow a horn, you raise others fear and heart rate causing nothing but negativity. when you complain to a waiter, you discredit them as a person, they are usually doing their best to serve you, you have no idea what is in their life that might be causing them to do unsatisfactory work. they have families and friends and a whole lot of problems. they all make barely enough to survive and they live mostly on tips and yet you tip them less if they do a bad job. who are you to say i wonder.
i really need you to start looking at every other person in society as you. they are just another version of you. when you do this, everything changes. you begin to understand that we all have problems and you will start treating people as you want to be treated.
its very simple. every person has the right to live the way they desire. many are abusing themselves not because of us or them, but because society believe that one person is better than another. they base everything on glamour produced by the media, to detach us from caring about one and other, causing society to take sides, to start blaming things on others, causing other to argue and begrudge.
you and dad need to get out more,  to do things to unattach you from this crazy world. get away from the news and tv. get awat from your bingo.
find  happiness in other things than what you have been doing over and over again for years.

i just want you to be happy, without the distractions of your paranoia. without fear and worry.
i want you to  have faith in the thing that i try and tell or teach.
i want you to firmly believe that there is a better future, and im the reason why.

this, mom, is my destiny.

i suggest you and dad watch back to the future. funny how its George mcfly and Loraine. kinda like Paul and Loretta. Marty is me, and Debbie is the sister and ted is the brother

this movie is they key to how time travel is affecting us.

:) me

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