Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Behind the scenes 1996 - 2017 - Beyond

Issue #57 November 7, 2017
Well, well… the plot doth thicken… arrests are being seen globally, sequentially… in Europe, the Middle East, here in the US… interesting, yes?
Why now? Why all of a sudden? Was it such a shock to those who were being arrested or was it all a coordinated deflating of bad people from their shared bad ballon?
You know how I keep saying everything is scripted? Well lets look at a 20 year timeline of events… going backwards to forwards in five distinct periods of review…

1996 - 2001
First term president Bill Clinton was elected for a second term. Didn’t seem like much then, but Al Gore was his VP.
Which mattered four years later when George Bush decided to take the White House in court circa 2000. Remember the hanging chads? Hilarious. Disastrous.
What few know is that the Bretton Woods Agreement which constructed the post WW1 & WW2 financial system to rebuild the world using 11 metric tons of Asian gold bullion was deposited in Central Banks worldwide beginning in 1946 and ending its 50 year loan period 1996, including a five year grace period to return the gold back to the Chinese ending on September 11, 2001 at 10:00am EDT.
Not only did we get 9/11 at 8am EDT that fateful day, but we got Georg W.H. Bush Jr. to oversee the now blatant treason as President. Know it was agreed upon by the world that Al Gore would be President during the transition, and thus was not allowed to be in a position as to reverse the warfare that would soon rage across the Middle East and Northern Africa.
Sad but true stuff.
So Bush Jr. takes America into war under false pretenses of nuclear weapons in both Iraq and Afghanistan and ultimately Syria via a secrete black budget fighting force known as ISIS, that was tactically overseen by Mossad of Israel.

By the way Mossad of Israel, also oversaw the 9/11 attacks and JFK assassination… which didn’t happen btw. You read that right. No wonder Trump is all of sudden holding back that one, eh?
Maybe Putin is the one releasing the truth. Put a pin in that one for now.
So as the second Gulf War commences, Iraqi currency called the Dinar is devalued and now currently sits at 1,166 to 1 USD.
When America invaded, the Dinar was on the gold standard and consistently hovered at 3.22 to 1 USD. Quite an overnight difference. No wonder currency speculators began buying up the new Iraq Dinar in pallets, same thing happened to the Kuwait Dinar in the first Gulf War, and it returned to its normal value in less than a month.
So the Dinar had to be next right revaluation and investment opportunity, right?
Well, yes and no.
As these wars raged on across the Middle East, there was a battle for what is known as the 33rd North Parallel that run through Israel, Syria, Iraq, and Iran.
This “Earth Ley Line” is very, very important because to the health of our planet because it holds the key portal setting governing our vibrational frequency for the entire earth and thus dominion over it.
Whomever controls this area, historically, controls the earth all of its riches, including the bodies and souls of all humanity.
Craziness I know. Again, put a pin in it. Let’s move on.
Hence why we have all gone through this “hell on earth” period, and why the world lost so many courageous men and women in the name of country, when in truth, the real war was about control of the planet specifically Jerusalem.
So really no lives we’re sacrificed in vein. Literally they were all there fighting to save the planet and our species.
Consider also the critical nature of this 33rd parallel both ley line and exactly why three major world religions all claim Jerusalem as their home—Hebrew, Muslim, Christian—for at first glance, at least in your lifetime, it would appear they cannot peacefully co-exist.
But in truth, they did for over 2,000 years prior to 1917, long before the Nation of Israel was forced upon the Palestinian people, which ironically is exactly 100 years removed from November 2, 2107.
Coincidence? Nope.
Now as all the speedster wars begin to escalate into one giant caliphate war against humanity, China, Russia, India, South Africa (the entire continent of Africa) and Brazil (Latin America) basically decided to lead the insanity of the Western World and start the BRICS alliance.
Notice too how these countries consist of the five major races of humanity.
Coincidence? Nope.
Not only would they not tolerate permanent warfare as a means of diplomacy, they went ahead and created another better way pathway for economic success and military peace… and ultimately forced all resisting Western Nations away from the old Bretton Woods System and Military Industrial Complex domination.
Backed by a clandestine ancient Chinese family with enormous hard asset reserves called the “Global Collateral Accounts,” they step by step, or BRIC by BRIC, marched towards creating a new world understanding called GESARA (Global Economic And Security Reformation Act… aka 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change) where civility, tangible collateral and healthy humanistic common sense mandates for governance ultimately prevailed (all be it in 2014).
And when they were ready to unofficially declare their Better Way Plan to the Western World after acquiring 97% of all the world’s mining rights (which gave them full control over the vast majority of manufacturing, natural assets and technology because you just can’t make anything without earthly elements)... they launched their own military offensive called the 2007 financial collapse by calling all outstanding paper margins on Lehman Brothers Investment Bank… which they knew would collapse all the other banks as well as every Western World government living off a bogus fiat currencies, bonds and loans and derivatives collateralized by oil as their nations simply had no gold backing any of their countries.
It had all been stolen! None of them! Zip!
TAARP was quickly put forward as the Western solution to repairing the financial crisis which was still smoldering around the world from the BRICS Fire, but it was short lived hydration and only served as later kindling on an out of control macro economic inferno.
This financial nonsense bled into the 2008 Presidential Elections and gave us the Kenyan born Barack Obama, who yes was inserted to drive humanity straight off the cliff and into a permanent death spiral.
Little Barry Soreto was the illegitimate child of Malcom X, sent to Kenya to be “born” to a CIA asset named Ann Dunham, who was second generation CIA, her grandparents being the first at the University of Hawaii.
Barry took on a Muslim name, Barack, as to honor his late father, who too was also a CIA operative leading the radical wing of the civil rights movement off a cliff to ultimately do no harm the Anglo establishment.

He was conveniently ushered up the ranks as an MK Ultra asset through multiple colleges, given phony degrees and bogus accomplishments until he was placed into the Presidency in 2009.
Obama was a puppet for a very dark force hailing from Israel, that was desperate to keep their power in opposition of the BRICS alliance that was slowly building alliances world wide because every “tweener” nation could see the West collapsing and the East gaining power by the month.

The decision to jump ship to the new financial system backed in gold was a no brainer, despite the radical attempts to keep wars going in Northern Africa and of course the Middle East, specifically Iraq and Syria… where Israel was desperately trying to convince the world not just of their right to exist after stealing the Palestinian homeland after 2,000 years, but to expand their territory into Syria, Turkey and Iraq.
Check the UN Security Charters and Resolutions over the last forty years, they all say exactly this. Israel must retreat from 1967 boarders and give back Jerusalem to a peaceful Palestinian authority.
So as the covert wars raged in the Middle East and Northern Africa, China because asserting financial pressure on the West by leveraging everywhere bank, including the Vatican bank, until they all broke. Literally, the Chinese collapse everywhere Western Bank, including Chase and Citigroup, Bank of America and finally Wells Fargo until the USA had no other choice but to accept the new financial system backed in gold circa December 2012.
What’s interesting about the date is that the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 ended in December 2012, after a 99 year run of printing the money supply of the United States Treasury at a 3% interest charge paid in gold.
The FED emptied not only Fort Knox, but the entire Republic’s gold supply. Which was replaced benevolently by the Chinese Elders in order to avoid economic collapse of the entire world via a public USA default.

This included the America military, and all bad actors in the Pentagon, being purged, as lead by fired/retired General Carter Ham and the White Knights of the Republic, who were and still are fighting day and night to preserve and protect this nation. We are forever in your gratitude silent soldiers.
This neutralized the Western World’s ability to fight back because not only was the US money supply transitioned (new gold backed currency was issued in April of 2013 quietly) but also it began turning the momentum on the ground in the Middle East and North Africa… right about the same time President Obama wore his one and only ‘tan suit” in the summer of 2014.
Something changed. Sifted. Perhaps the same anti-Christ Obama Israel had long ago inserted back in 2008 was now working on behalf of humanity?
That mattered to the world, as it signaled the BRICS alliance was ready to regain control of the world, and Jerusalem specifically, and going to begin making their military assault now that the long financial war had been won which of course began on September 11, 2001.
Russia’s military entered the theater of operation in Syria and Turkey. They began pushing back not only ISIS, but delivering unthinkable defeats for Mossad, who was not equipped without a fully committed US Military behind them to right back against a super power military force like Russia. China stayed on the sidelines, letting it all play out. While the Pentagon began cleaning up their mess in Iraq.
Iran jumped into… both in Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine to put the whole silent offense into play. So did Saudi Arabia for the West, but their oil empire was crumbling with Iran and Russia and Iraq teaming up against them in the region. There was no more OPEC without these three major crude oil players, and all the other Arab nations that produced oil hated them for 80 years of persecution as well. The;s why there is such a public shake up in Saudi Arabia now. As well as the House of Saud placing a portion of their prized ARAMACO up for sale on the NYSE to generate operating funds for their country.
Israel had nowhere to run except the US political system, and all they had to count on was Hillary Clinton, who was an impersonator… and Donald J. Trump, a Mossad asset that they still believed was under their control, or so they thought.
Russia, as it turns out, had gotten a hold of the Trump secretly in Moscow and reversed his programming.
So while Bibi Netanyahu thought he was getting another American President he could control after Trump’s surprise election win… in reality, they got a look alike who was handling all the physical bill signings and appearances as a member of the resistance… less Mossad’s ability to influence him.
In a twist of fate, Russia, China and the Republic made the Trump puppet win as to trap Israel and end their illegal occupation not only of Palestine forever, but of the US Government.
And that’s what has been so difficult to extrapolate out of these current events over the last two years since Donald Trump decided to run for office.

The BRICS let Israel into the hen house with their guy, when in reality, the hurricane insanity that is Trump actually was slowly brining Israel crashing down forever, thus freeing the world from their economic and vibrational slavery along the 33rd parallel.
Because when Trump “won” the election, in reality Russia was just putting their FSB operative in the White House, and then using the Chinese controlled US Media to slam Russia for doing just that—while American politicians kept supporting Israel, but only for a two state solution with Palestine controlling Jerusalem which was never the plan when Israel was created in 1913 via the illegal British Balfour Declaration.
On top of all of that... banks, corporations and the media have long been preparing for the world’s most historic helicopter drop of money in human history, which largely will begin and end in the United States as so many who bought Iraqi Dinar were from the United States given what happened in the first Gulf War.
There was in fact precedent set then for a large arbitrage happening via currency that many soldiers in the US Military knew about and shared with friends and family.
Word slowly leaked out that there were as many as six other currencies (Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan) revaluing, potentially overnight, all of which had been illegally devalued in a similar fashion by either war or illegal Western World financial sanctions years if not decades earlier.
Many have waited decades for this event to happen going back to 1996 when humanitarian “Prosperity Packages” were first floated out to the public as well as the reconciliation of Sovereign Historic Bonds from defaulted governments that must be settled on the new financial system—by China—per international law.
Some have waited as long as long as 30 years if you can believe that.
But to the Ancient Chinese families that were put in charge of “keeping the stored wealth of the world” known as the Global Collateral Accounts—once pooled and hidden in the mid-sixteen hundreds to protect humanity for this very day--know they’ve been waiting over four hundred years to see the fruits of their incredibly patient labor.
And we are all tremendously and unimaginably blessed by their selfless sacrifice and service to our species, country and homes.
Thank you!
They are the true heroes of the RV, as all of us currency exchanges are but their sons and daughters, or humble cabooses on their very long and noble train of peace and prosperity… serving humanity’s greatest good.
2017 - Beyond
Here we now sit watching events unfold that are beyond unprecedented.
Screaming media personailities are claiming this, that and the other thing with great certainty, when they don’t know squat.
Politicians are preaching this, that and the other thing when they too don’t know what the hell is going on.
Even the military is confused because their doing their assigned jobs, and that’s it… they are always on a need to know basis which is incredibly limiting… probably frustrating too… look at all the Generals in the White House trying to keep the Trump Administration together with duct tape.
It would be comical if it weren’t so dam upsetting.
Russia and China are driving the US Government / Military wherever they want it to go now, and have since December 2012 when the Federal Reserve and USA, Inc defaulted.
General Carter Ham was initially inserted as temporary Republic President to oversee the transition.
Three years they inserted then Congressman Paul Ryan to Speaker of the House as to handle the changing legislative affairs of the restored Republic.
To date he’s passed over 400 bills since October 29, 2015.
Its pretty obvious now Ryan will be your next President when Trump is removed. TgT was predicted here in early 2016.
Many shunned me for that. I forgive you. Forgive me for having the dates wrong.
So as we wait, switching the Trump chaos wind down mercifully, and the Republic of the United States government prepares hundreds of GESARA bills for 2018 passing as all the final pieces snap into geopolitical place with respect to Israel, know that Trump can be removed and Ryan inserted as President to heal all that is broken with our Republic so our collective and your indivisible world can begin again.

But if you insist on looking at current events with a rational and consistent eye, especially when it comes to Trump, just understand that Trump is literally controlled by Vladimir Putin, in full agreement with the Chinese government (tweets and all), as well as our restored Republic government — who together broke the backs of Israel once and for all here in the USA and around the world, which means this narcissistic Trump Insanity will finally end so the American people, and world community, can live in a 1,000 years of endless peace and prosperity.
Worth the drama and sacrifice? You bet.
Know there is no chance for reversal of this better way world plan now, it’s only a matter of time until all aspects are fully revealed.
Also know anyone still aligned with Israel still is being physically arrested or permanently eliminated at this hour, in any field or profession (see the Hollywood sex scandals) and ask Rand Paul’s broken ribs.
Remember John McCain’s black eye? Not a brain tumor. A message to the others you can all be gotten too... surrender now or die.

Look for the release of the new financial system’s gold backed currencies to come only when all the geopolitical chess pieces have been taken off the board.
There will be no short cuts. None. Zip.
The BRICS plan will execute on time and in the manner it was designed.
So trying to fast forward thIS event through wishful thinking is illogical, and a big fat waist of time.
Best to do whatever you must while the pageant plays itself out before our eyes now, knowing at least we’re close.
Certainly the holiday season means something to the release of all the revalued currencies… as it would only make sense to stimulate the global economy by hydrating the US economy with a helicopter drop of money before Black Friday.
But we shall see whether or not that is in the BRICS plans.
In truth, they would all stand to benefit the most by a cash rich, free spending US consumer base as we are the ones who buy their products because sadly we don’t make anything anymore.
We don’t even mine our own rocks honestly. We’re completely dependent on their natural asset reserves to survive.
So holding back against the US, is really holding back against their own economies and best interests.
Which they have proven they will do if its in the best interests of humanity—regardless of their own sacrifices.
But given the changes reigning down around both Trump and Netanyahu on a daily of not hourly basis now, it can’t be long now,
How long?
Well, many feel there needs to be at least two weeks with Sunday’s off to exchange both the private (which is you reading this) and general public before Thanksgiving as that’s in the best interests of the world’s population, not just the USA.
My personal feeling is Veteran’s Day falls on a Saturday this November 11, 2017 (11:11) and that’s the numeric designation for all Human Angels (Half Human-11, Half Angel-11), so from a personal perspective it would be career gratifying for the RV to fall on that Saturday, either morning or evening.
This would give nearly two weeks for the nearly 5 million private redemptions to occur before Thanksgiving, as well as allow the redemption staffs in 7,500 facilities worldwide to enjoy the holiday season with their families.
As well as five the entire month of December for walk-ins aka general public currency holders a chance to redeem pre Christmas, the majority of whom are Dinarians (85%) who can then exchange at the higher screen rates infinite’s and have themselves a wonderful holiday season as well.
Trump should be gone by Thanksgiving, we pray at least, and Netanyahu by Chaunuakua as to reset order in both countries—and the entire Western World— long-term heading into 2018.
We shall see.
What I know is this… if you are unaware of this information already, its’ too late to catch up prior to the RV… pease don’t gift and recommend ZIM to anyone as it could seriously harm their realities at this late stage.
Bless them after after the exchange in cash or with a check, or just give them your lower valued currencies as a stocking stuffer with a note that says “go into a major bank to redeem this now… Happy Holidays!”
All of you reading this were chosen to be here, now, prepared… never force your calling on someone else.
Be wise and accept your divinity as your own, protecting others whom cane to the RV late. Maybe their not to awaken like you did. And maybe not ever. Sobeit.
God is with us

1 comment:

  1. Bless us all as this is removed from our Planet!! Victory of Light!!
